October 26, 2018
The November Hills-Beaver Creek newsletter is available online. There is information about upcoming events (conferences, fundraisers, book fair, education week and more).
October 18, 2018
Below is the link for the October 19 Elementary Newsletter. October 19 Parent Connection
October 18, 2018
Here is this week's Bulletin Link 10.18.2018 Don't forget no School tomorrow 10.19.2018
October 12, 2018
Below is the link for the October 12 Elementary Newsletter. October 12 Parent Connection
October 12, 2018
10/12/2018 J/S High Bulletin- -
Don't Forget the tailgate meal tonight that begins at 6 pm prior to football game.
October 5, 2018
Here is Friday, October 5 J/S High Bulletin Link. Remember MidQuarter Conferences are set for Thursday, October 11 from 3:45 -7:30 for grades 6-12.
September 28, 2018
Here is the link for the 09.28.2018 J/S High Bulletin.
September 27, 2018
The October district newsletter is now available online. There is information about events for Homecoming Friday as well as activities in October. Read the newsletter here
September 21, 2018
Good Day!
Here is the H-BC Jr/Sr High Bulletin for 09.21.2018. Next week is Homecoming Week at H-BC!
September 7, 2018
Great first week! Here is the link to this week's Bulletin! http://5il.co/4rab
August 31, 2018
Friday, September 7th is the first Home H-BC Football Game of the 2018 Season. There will be limited parking at all home football games moving forward. Here is more information:...
August 28, 2018
September 2018 Newsletter Available Click the link below to read the first district newsletter of the new school year. http://5il.co/4lt2
July 10, 2018
Here is a link to the updated H-BC Pupil Records Public Notice. http://5il.co/3wpp
May 18, 2018
Attached is the link for the weekly newsletter. May 18 Parent Connection
May 18, 2018
Here is a link to this week's Bulletin 05.18.2018.
May 11, 2018
Attached is the link for the weekly newsletter. May 11 Newsletter
May 11, 2018
Link to Secondary Bulletin for Friday, May 11, 2018
May 4, 2018
Attached is the link for the weekly newsletter from the elementary school. May 4 Parent Connection