H-BC Secondary Families:
I am hopeful you have taken the time to read the District’s plan for making up snow days as shared here: Link
IMPORTANT - Starting Monday, February 13, 2023 - through the end of the school year, Secondary Students will be dismissed at 3:18 PM. The elementary will be dismissed at 3:30 PM. If you have any questions, please reach out to me. Here is the new secondary schedule which will add 2 minutes to each period.
Next Week is a shorter school week!
Wednesday, February 15th - Early Dismissal at 12:45 PM (New Time)
Thursday, February 16th - Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences 4:00 - 7:30 PM (details below)
Friday, February 17th - No School
Monday, February 20th - No School
Thursday, February 16th - Parent/Teacher Conferences Secondary (New) - The next conferences will be held on Thursday, February 16th from 4:00 - 7:30 PM. Conferences will look similar to Open House where parents/caregivers can come and meet with their students’ respected teachers during the 3.5 hour time block. Teachers will be available to discuss students’ progress during this time. Please be considerate of other parents/caregivers who may be in the room by patiently waiting outside of classroom until classroom is open.
If you missed the February Newsletter, here is the LINK.
***Check out Pages 16-19 in the February Newsletter about the School District Building Referendum or see below.
School District Building Referendum Information (Repeat)
Hills-Beaver School District's Bond Referendum Information Page is located at this LINK. This page will be updated prior to the time of the District's Bond Election set for Tuesday, April 11, 2023. Informational meetings set for March 23 (Elementary School) and March 28 (Hugo Goehle Gym) both are at 7 pm.
Contents in above link include:
Tax Impact Calculator
HBC Patriots App & Website (New)
We’ve had A LOT of postponed basketball games this season already. Please make sure to look at the HBC Website or download the HBC App for the rescheduled games. You can also visit the RedRockConference website for the most accurate information for games/times/locations.
Please make sure to download the HBC Patriots App (details below) to get your student-athletes’ schedules. Thank you for supporting HBC Athletics!
Track and Golf Schedules have been recently added.
We will again be using our Parent Notification System to inform you of weather related late starts and other items of importance at Hills-Beaver Creek Schools. As we get into that time of year, this system is reliable, however please keep an eye on other avenues as well, such as AM 800 or FM 101.5, and Sioux Falls television/websites: KELO, KDLT and KSFY.
Here are some important reminders.
Monday, February 13 - Regular Dismissal will be 3:18 PM for remainder of the year
Wednesday, February 15 Early Dismissal at Secondary 12:45 PM
Thursday, February 16 P/T Conferences 4:00-7:30 pm
Friday, February 17 - No School
Monday, February 20 - No School
February 23 - Quarter 3 Mid Quarter
March 1-16 - Drivers Education Classes Begin
March 21 - Breaking Traditions Career Pathway (10th/11th Graders) - details below
March 23 - Breaking Traditions Career Pathway (10th/11th Graders) - details below
Thursday, March 23 - Bond Referendum Informational Meeting 7pm - H-BC Elementary
Friday, March 24 - No School - Staff Inservice
Tuesday, March 28 - Bond Referendum Informational Meeting 7pm - Hugo Goehle-Hills
Reezin’ For Freezin’ Polar Plunge (Repeat)
The Luverne Area Community Foundation is a strong supporter of local organizations. H-BC has been a benefactor on several occasions. LACF is holding Luverne Leap on February 11. Our own Dylan Gehrke will represent H-BC Elementary at the event. To donate go to: luverne.fcsuite.com/erp/donate/create. After you click to donate, in the box that says “specific project” type Dylan Gehrke. Or - Venmo: @lacf-623
H-BC has been a benefactor from this Foundation on several occasions. Ways to donate:
Reminder to check JMC for Academic Progress (New)
On February 23, 2023 it is midterm for Quarter 3. This is the halfway point of the quarter.
Please continue to encourage your student(s) to always do their best, seek teacher support if they need help (before or after school) and complete all assignments. Students may also have an option to retake tests if they check with the teacher.
You can see up-to-date grades on JMC. (See below)
Look at Student(s)’ Grades, Progress, Attendance, Lunch Bill, ETC on JMC App - Smart Phone (Repeat)
Driver’s Education Starting Wednesday, March 1 (New)
Students who have a 2008 birthdate or before,
The Driver’s Education Course will be starting on Wednesday, March 1. The class will mostly be held after school for a duration of three weeks ending on March 16th. The class is a total of 30 hours of coursework. The cost of the course is $365.00 and will be due before you attend the first class (payable to HBC Schools). A letter was sent home on, Friday, January 27th for those who have birthdays in 2008 or before.
Here are the dates:
Wednesday, March 1 - 12:45-4:45 PM (Early Dismissal at 12:30 PM)
Thursday, March 2 - 3:30-6:00 PM
Friday, March 3 - 3:30-5:30 PM
Monday, March 6 - 3:30-6:00 PM
Tuesday, March 7 - 3:30-6:00 PM
Wednesday, March 8 - 3:30-6:00 PM
Thursday, March 9 - 3:30-6:00 PM
Friday, March 10 - 3:30-5:30 PM
Monday, March 13 - 3:30-6:00 PM
Tuesday, March 14 - 3:30-6:00 PM
Wednesday, March 15 - 3:30-6:00 PM
Thursday, March 16 - 3:30-5:30 PM **** Parent Class at 6PM
Open Gym Sundays - Hugo Goehle Gym - Hills (Repeat)
Career Explorations Trips for Sophomores & Juniors Coming Up (New)
Calling Sophomores & Juniors - Career Exploration Trips on March 21 & 23 (New)
All sophomores and juniors are able to choose a Career Exploration Field Trip on March 21 and 23rd. Students can sign up on Mr. Ellingson’s door.
March 21st - At Pipestone from 9:00 - 1:00 PM at MN West Community & Technical College. Students interested in the following careers should attend - Plumbing, HVAC, Carpentry, Cosmetology or Nursing.
March 23rd - At Luverne from 8:30 - 2:00 PM at MN West Community & Technical College / Sanford Health Luverne Medical Center. Students interested in the following careers should attend - Medical Lab Tech & Radiology Tech.
Spring Sports Updates
For the most updated information about spring sporting events, please download the HBC App or the HBC School Website
AM BUS CHANGES--For morning bus changes please call or text the bus line--make sure to identify your student and the bus number they are riding: 507-962-3240 Ext. 4.
Deficiency Lists for 3rd Quarter start February 14, 2023- (Repeat)
As we emphasize the importance of academics and being well-rounded students, athletes and participants of co-curricular activities, please be reminded that we begin Quarter 3 DL on February 14, 2023.
The Deficiency List / Academic Eligibility is located in Section 9 of the Secondary Student Handbook (LINK).
This slide explains the different levels of deficiencies. Parents and students will receive an emailed letter notifying them if their student is on the deficiency list. Please continue to support your student who may be struggling with completing school work.
The picture below shows the different levels of the Deficiency List.
Southwest Minnesota Opportunity Council (Repeat)
ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: With winter months coming, Southwestern Minnesota Opportunity Council, Inc. wants to ensure all households eligible for energy or water bill assistance have access to help. H-BC Offices do have the Application Forms for anyone interested. Here is the link for more information: https://tinyurl.com/r2evtx4h
DENTAL SERVICES: Thursday, February 23, CDC will be in Luverne providing Dental Service. Youth & Adults are welcome. See the link here for information: Dental Clinic
Please reach out to me if you have any needs. Phone- 507-962-3240 or email a.kellenberger@isd671.net
Mr. Kellenberger