Friday, January 13, 2023
H-BC Elementary Families:
DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY: H-BC Elementary recognizes Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, January 16. SCHOOL IS IN SESSION. Your child’s classroom teacher will be spending time during the day recognizing Dr. King.
BASKETBALL CAMP BEGINS TOMORROW - JANUARY 14: Camp information found here: CAMP LINK There has been a change to meeting times. The TIMES CHANGED to Pre-K and K run from 8 am- 8:50 am and Grades 1 and 2 run from 9 am until 10 am.
If you have not already done so, check out the January District Newsletter: https://5il.co/1mffp
JUNIOR CLASS FUNDRAISER: The Junior Class is selling Eileen’s Colossal Cookie Dough and Hot Stuff Frozen Pizza’s as a fundraiser for the After Prom Party. Please call a student in the Junior class to order. Orders are due January 30th.
END OF QUARTER/SEMESTER: Thursday, January 19th marks the end of the 2nd quarter and first semester Friday, January 20th is the start of the 3rd quarter and 2nd Semester.
EARLY DISMISSAL FRIDAY, JANUARY 20: H-BC is scheduled for a 12:45 Dismissal
NO SCHOOL: No School for students, Monday, January 23, 2023. This is a professional development day for staff
EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION: Our ECFE Program is a great way for parents to spend quality time with their child. Children ages 0-5 are welcome to H-BC Elementary School each month from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Mark your calendar for these upcoming dates: January 24, February 7 and 21. Please contact m.ellingson@isd671.net with any questions.
AFTER SCHOOL CARE: PEAC - Patriot Enrichment After School Care is available for “regulars” and “drop-ins”. Call the office or email Mrs. Voss for more information: t.voss@isd671.net
AM BUS CHANGES: For morning bus changes please call the HBC bus line--make sure to identify your student and the bus number they are riding: 507-962-3240
Mark Your Calendar:
Monday, January 16- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day - School Is In Session
Thursday, January 19- End of 2nd Quarter/First Semester
Friday, January 20- 12:45 Dismissal- Begin 3rd Quarter
Monday, January 23- No School/Staff Professional Development
Thursday, February 16- Scheduled Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:45-7:30
Friday, February 17- No School
Please reach out to me if you have any needs. Phone- 507-673-2541 or email t.holthaus@isd671.net