Friday, November 11, 2022
H-BC Families;
TODAY WE CELEBRATE VETERANS! Join us in Hills this morning at 9:00 am.
H-BC Students will attend and be part of the program. Thank you to Mrs. Oftedahl for her work organizing this event! Happy Veterans Day to all!
NOVEMBER 14-18 IS AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK!! We look forward to seeing Parents on Wednesday for Pastries and Grandparents or Special Guests on Friday for lunch! Our thanks to Security Savings Bank for sponsoring the meal on Friday. See the schedule of events below:
SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR: The Elementary Book Fair will be open November 14-18 during student library time and on November 18, during Grandparents/Special Person’s Day. Watch for information to come!
COMMUNITY YOUTH WRESTLING INVITE: Please see this link for information about the new Hills’ Aces Youth Wrestling Program. Hills' Aces Wrestling
H-BC ELEMENTARY SKATE NIGHT: Mark your calendar for the H-BC Elementary Skate Night set for Thursday, December 8 at 6-7:30 pm. Pizza will be served. Location: H-BC Elementary School in Beaver Creek. Sponsored by the H-BC Elementary Student Council.
PARENT NOTIFICATION SYSTEM: We will again be using our Parent Notification System to inform you of weather related late starts and other items of importance at Hills-Beaver Creek Schools. As we get into that time of year, this system is reliable, however please keep an eye on other avenues as well, such as AM 800 or FM 101.5, and Sioux Falls television/websites: KELO, KDLT and KSFY.
CHILDREN’S DENTAL SERVICES: Rock & Nobles Counties again have Children’s Dental Services available by appointment November 28, 29 & 30. All forms of insurance are accepted and discounts are available for income eligible families. See the information here: Children's Dental Services
COLD WEATHER: PLEASE make sure your child is prepared for the colder weather. All students have recess time outside, unless it is below -5º F including wind chill. Thanks to a generous donation, we have a supply of snow pants & coats to give away. Please call H-BC Elementary to inquire.
E-LEARNING DAYS: If school is canceled because of inclement weather or any other reason. Items for E-Learning day can be found in student backpacks. Here is the procedure for E-Learning Days.
EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION: Our ECFE Program is a great way for parents to spend quality time with their child. Children ages 0-5 are welcome to H-BC Elementary School each month from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Mark your calendar for these upcoming dates: November 15, November 29 and December 13. Please contact with any questions.
ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: With winter months coming, Southwestern Minnesota Opportunity Council, Inc. wants to ensure all households eligible for energy or water bill assistance have access to help. H-BC Offices do have the Application Forms for anyone interested. Here is the link for more information:
AFTER SCHOOL CARE: PEAC - Patriot Enrichment After School Care is available for “regulars” and “drop-ins”. Call the office or email Mrs. Voss for more information:
AM BUS CHANGES: For morning bus changes please call the HBC bus line--make sure to identify your student and the bus number they are riding: 507-962-3240
AM DROP OFF: If it’s raining or you don't see our school staff on the playground in the morning, please drop your student off at Door #1 on the North Side of the School.
Child Tax Credit Deadline: Millions of eligible families may easily claim the expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC) until Nov. 15, 2022. Eligible families can claim the CTC at
Many families may not know that they are eligible for the CTC or that they can still claim it using a simplified filing tool. Families can also use the simplified tool to file their tax return if they have not yet received the third stimulus check. The simplified tool is for families who do not have a 2021 filing requirement – typically this means their income is below $12,550 if filing single, or $25,100 if filing married. The traditional filing method is still available until 2025. The November 15 deadline is for those interested in using the electronic portal.
MDE is encouraging school districts to do additional outreach to families to ensure that every family who is eligible, and hasn’t yet received the expanded CTC, will receive it. Outreach materials are available here in 11 languages, including flyers, template emails, texts and robo calls.
November 11: 9:00 am Veteran’s Day Program - H-BC Secondary - Hills
November 14-18: American Education Week
November 18: Grandparents/Special Person’s Day Lunch
November 23: 12:45 Dismissal
November 24 & 25: No School- Happy Thanksgiving!
December 1: Grades K-2 Elementary Holiday Choir Concert 7 pm @ HBC Elementary
December 8: Skate Night– 6-7:30 pm
December 14: 12:45 Dismissal
December 15: Parent/Teacher Conferences
December 23: 12:45 Dismissal
Please reach out to me if you have any needs. Phone- 507-673-2541 or email