
H-BC Secondary Families:

A Friendly Reminder that there will be NO SCHOOL on Friday, October 21 for Education MN Day.  

We are also only 2 weeks away from the end of Quarter 1.  Please continue to encourage your student(s) to finish the quarter by doing their best work.   

Here are some important reminders.  

We celebrated Unity Day on October 19th!  Staff and students were encouraged to wear Orange to support respect, kindness and unity.


  • October 21 - No School  Break 

  • October 24 - World’s Best Workforce Planning & Public Meeting (see details below)

  • October 26-28 - FFA National Convention 

  • November 2 - Re-take Photos at Secondary (see below)

  • November 3 & 4 - NWEA/MAP Reading Testing for Grades 6/7/8

  • November 3 - MS/HS Band Concert at Secondary

  • November 4 - End of 1st Quarter

  • November 4 - Early Dismissal at 12:30 PM Secondary

  • November 7 - Beginning of 2nd Quarter

  • November 7 & 8 - NWEA/MAP Math Testing for Grades 6/7/8

  • November 8 - Election Day (No Evening Events)

  • November 11 - Veterans Day Program - Community Welcome (at HBC Secondary - Hills) (see below)

  • November 14 - 18 - American Education Week

  • November 23 - Early Dismissal

  • November 24/25 - No School

  • December 5 - HS/MS Choir Concert at Secondary

  • December 14 - Early Dismissal

  • December 15 - Secondary Conferences

Repeat - Here is LINK to the District October Newsletter if you missed it LINK.  

World’s Best Workforce Planning & Public Meeting (New) 

You are invited to ISD 671’s World’s Best Workforce Planning & Public Meeting!  This is an opportunity to hear how HBC did for the 21-22 school year with the goals mentioned below.  We will also plan for the 22-23 school year.  



OCTOBER IS BULLYING PREVENTION MONTH: (Repeat)  Please continue to have conversations with your student about how to report bullying and how to lead by example or with your words when you see bullying occur.  


Community Invited - VETERANS DAY PROGRAM (New) - Friday, November 11th, 9:00 AM, H-BC Secondary School in Hills.  The community is invited to this program honoring our veterans.    H-BC Students and Faculty will take part.  Elementary students will be bussed to Hills.  Students and Community are encouraged to wear red, white & blue.  We would like to invite all of our Veterans to participate.

Varsity Football and Volleyball (and Winter Sports) Updates

For the most updated information about sporting events, please download the HBC App or the HBC School Website

E-LEARNING DAYS (New):  If school is canceled because of inclement weather or any other reason.  Here is the procedure for E-Learning Days.

AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK (New):  Plans are underway for American Education Week - November 14-18. 

CHILD CENSUS:  If you or someone you know has recently moved to the H-BC District, or if there is a new addition to your family, the school needs the information to update our child census information.  Please email with the information.  Thank you!

ACTION NEEDED:  It is important that families, if you haven’t done so already,  fill out the free and reduced lunch applications otherwise known as “Application for Educational Benefits”.  Registration link found here:


Back to school JMC Online Registration--Thanks to all the parents and families that completed their student online registration through JMC.  It is an easy way for the school to collect the necessary information for school enrollment.  If you have not yet completed registration for your student please do so as soon as possible.  Log into  If you receive a message from the school stating all or a portion of your students registration is incomplete, please act promptly!  Call the office with questions 507-673-2541.


AM BUS CHANGES--For morning bus changes please call or text the bus line--make sure to identify your student and the bus number they are riding:  507-962-3240 Ext. 4.

H-BC Secondary Picture Days - Round 2 on 11/2/22 (Repeat)

Lunch News - SECOND ENTREE PURCHASE: New This Year:  Students in grades 6-12 may purchase a second entree with their meal.  The entree is $2.00.  Students with a free or reduced meal benefits must pay the $2.00 out of pocket.   Students must sign up on the cafeteria door before 2nd Period.


Deficiency Lists for 1st Quarter- (Repeat)

As we emphasize the importance of academics and being well-rounded students, athletes and participants of co-curricular activities, please be reminded that we began our deficiency lists starting for Quarter 1.

The Deficiency List / Academic Eligibility is located in Section 9 of the Secondary Student Handbook (LINK).  

This slide explains the different levels of deficiencies.  Parents and students will receive an emailed letter notifying them if their student is on the deficiency list.  Please continue to support your student who may be struggling with completing school work. 

The picture below shows the different levels of the Deficiency List.  



Southwest Minnesota Opportunity Council (New)

ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM:  With winter months coming, Southwestern Minnesota Opportunity Council, Inc. wants to ensure all households eligible for energy or water bill assistance have access to help.   H-BC Offices do have the Application Forms for anyone interested.  Here is the link for more information: 


Please reach out to me if you have any needs.  Phone- 507-962-3240 or email

Mr. Kellenberger