Thursday, October 20, 2022
H-BC Families:
Another fine week at H-BC Elementary! Remember, no school tomorrow, Friday, October 21. Hope you have a safe and happy extended weekend!
EVACUATION DRILL: HBC Elementary is conducting a school evacuation drill Wednesday, October 26. All students and staff will practice evacuation of the building and walk to our designated safety location.
UNITY DAY: Wednesday, October 19th, we wore orange recognizing Unity Day. Ask your child about what they learned about bullying this week.
FALL FESTIVAL: Friday, October 28--Elementary Students will be having bouncy house fun (Thank you PTO) along with a carnival assisted by our Middle and High School Student Council Members.
CANDY DONATIONS WELCOME: The Fall is Friday. Donations of bags of peanut-free candy are needed for our carnival games. Thank you in advance!
Remember: Friday, November 4th is a 12:45 dismissal.
MORNING DROP OFF: When dropping off children in the morning, please make sure to stay on S 4th Street and do not pull into the elementary street towards the playground. This is the safest location as buses, other cars and students are walking up that street.
COLD WEATHER: PLEASE make sure your child is prepared for the colder weather. All students have recess time outside, unless it is below -5º F including wind chill. Thanks to a generous donation, we have a supply of snow pants & coats to give away. Please call H-BC Elementary to inquire.
E-LEARNING DAYS: If school is canceled because of inclement weather or any other reason. Items for E-Learning day can be found in student backpacks. Here is the procedure for E-Learning Days.
AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK: Plans are underway for American Education Week - November 14-18. The Grandparent’s Day lunch will be Friday, November 18. More details to come!
COMMUNICATION: If your child will be absent, changing end of the day plans or being picked up, the best way to communicate is to send the email to your child’s teacher and the office b.plimpton@isd671.net. As always, morning bussing changes are directed to our Bus Line at 507-962-3240. Your communication assures our full team is aware of the plan for your child.
VOLLEYBALL CAMP CONTINUES SATURDAY: The Camp continues October 22 and 29. Thanks to all the Campers that attended the Jr/Sr High Volleyball game on Monday, October 17th.
EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION: Our ECFE Program is a great way for parents to spend quality time with their child. Children ages 0-5 are welcome to H-BC Elementary School each month from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Mark your calendar for these upcoming dates: October 25, November 15, November 29 and December 13. Please contact m.ellingson@isd671.net with any questions.
CHILD CENSUS: If you or someone you know has recently moved to the H-BC District, or if there is a new addition to your family, the school needs the information to update our child census information. Please email l.leenderts@isd671.net with the information. Thank you!
ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: With winter months coming, Southwestern Minnesota Opportunity Council, Inc. wants to ensure all households eligible for energy or water bill assistance have access to help. H-BC Offices do have the Application Forms for anyone interested. Here is the link for more information: https://tinyurl.com/r2evtx4h
AFTER SCHOOL CARE: PEAC - Patriot Enrichment After School Care is available for “regulars” and “drop-ins”. Call the office or email Mrs. Voss for more information: t.voss@isd671.net
AM BUS CHANGES-- For morning bus changes please call the HBC bus line--make sure to identify your student and the bus number they are riding: 507-962-3240
AM DROP OFF: If it’s raining or you don't see our school staff on the playground in the morning, please drop your student off at Door #1 on the North Side of the School.
October 21: No School!
October 22, 29: Grades K-5 Volleyball Camp
October 28: Fall Festival Elementary School Carnival and Bouncy Houses
November 2: Picture Makeup Day for MWF LPA
November 4: 12:45 Dismissal End First Quarter
November 7: Begin Second Quarter
November 11: 9 am Veterans Day Program all Elementary students attend at Secondary School in Hills. The Public is welcome to attend.
November 23: 12:45 Dismissal
November 14-18: American Education Week
November 18 : Grandparent’s Day Lunch
November 24 & 25: No School
December 1: Grades K-2 Holiday Choir Concert 7 pm
Please reach out to me if you have any needs. Phone- 507-673-2541 or email t.holthaus@isd671.net