October 7, 2022
H-BC Families:
Thank you to all the parents who attended their child’s conference this past evening! Parent/Teacher Conferences are valuable for your child and make us stronger as a school! Way to go!
OCTOBER IS BULLYING PREVENTION MONTH: Mrs. Breuer is going to be going around to classrooms sharing an anti bullying message! Please visit with your child about this important topic!
FALL FESTIVAL: The inflatables are returning! We will have fun events planned for Friday, October 28. Thanks to the H-BC Elementary PTO for their support!
ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: With winter months coming, Southwestern Minnesota Opportunity Council, Inc. wants to ensure all households eligible for energy or water bill assistance have access to help. H-BC Offices do have the Application Forms for anyone interested. Here is the link for more information: https://tinyurl.com/r2evtx4h
SNOW PANT & COAT GIVEAWAY: Thanks to a generous donation, we have a supply of snow pants & coats to give away. Please call H-BC Elementary to inquire.
K-2 PUMPKIN PATCH OUTING: Students in K-2 will be going to the Riverview Pumpkin Patch near Canton, SD on October 13. Parents, thank you for returning the permission slips that were sent home.
FLU SHOT CLINIC: H-BC is pleased to once again partner with Sanford Luverne Clinic and the Luverne Area Community Foundation to offer flu vaccines to all children enrolled in grades K-12. If you wish for your child/ren to receive the shot, your insurance will be billed for the flu vaccine if you have coverage. However, through collaboration with the Luverne Area Community Foundation, all out-of-pocket and non-insured costs will be covered for school-aged children.
The in-school flu shot clinic will be held on Wednesday, October 12, 2022. To receive the flu shot, the attached consent forms must be completed and returned to the school by Monday, October 10, 2022. For more information about this free flu shot clinic, contact Lois Leenderts, RN, school nurse, at l.leenderts@isd671.net.
H-BC JOB OPENINGS - COME JOIN OUR TEAM! Full time- Paraprofessional opening PICTURE MAKEUP DAY: MWF Little Patriot Academy makeup day is set for November 2, for those who didn’t take their picture at the Open House.
AFTER SCHOOL CARE: PEAC - Patriot Enrichment After School Care is available for “regulars” and “drop-ins”. Call the office or email Mrs. Voss for more information: t.voss@isd671.net
AM BUS CHANGES-- For morning bus changes please call the HBC bus line--make sure to identify your student and the bus number they are riding: 507-962-3240
AM DROP OFF: If it’s raining or you don't see our school staff on the playground in the morning, please drop your student off at Door #1 on the North Side of the School.
October 9-15: Fire Prevention Week
October 12: Flu Vaccine Clinic - permission forms were sent home.
October 13: K-2 Pumpkin Patch - permission forms were sent home.
October 15, 22, 29: Grades K-5 Volleyball Camp
October 19: Unity Day - Bullying Prevention Day - We will all wear orange
October 17-21: Bus Safety Week
October 21: No School EDMN Break
October 28: Fall Festival
November 4: 12:45 Dismissal
December 1: Grades K-2 Holiday Choir Concert 7 pm
Please reach out to me if you have any needs. Phone- 507-673-2541 or email t.holthaus@isd671.net