H-BC Secondary Families:
Happy April! If you did not make the HBC Theater Production on Friday evening, you have one more opportunity. Please mark your calendars for the last performance - Sunday, April 3rd at 2 PM. Cost will be $6 for adults and $4 for students. Here are some pictures from the performance on Friday night! Well done HBC Theater Department!
Also, we have begun the 4th Quarter and are officially on the home stretch. Please continue to monitor your student(s)’ academic progress. You can do this on the JMC website or JMC Family App. If your student has a failing grade in 3rd Quarter, they will have till Wednesday, April 6th to improve his/her score to passing.
To log into JMC, please follow these steps.
Log into JMC from a Computer | Log into JMC from Smartphone |
Thank you for partnering with H-BC to make sure each student is reaching his/her highest potential. If you have any questions about logging onto JMC or need your password, please call the H-BC Secondary Office at 507-962-3240 ext. 2.
Here is the link to the April Newsletter if you missed it. LINK
Stay Updated (Repeat)
Please follow us on Facebook - @hbcpatriots1 or Twitter - @hbcpatriots
This is a great way to see all the amazing happenings at HBC Public Schools!
Important Dates Ahead (New)
Sunday, April 3 - HBC Secondary Spring Play at 2 PM (see details above)
Tuesday, April 5 - Juniors take ACT Test (8:00 AM - 12:00 PM)
Thursday, April 7 - FFA Officers to HBC Elementary - Farm Safety Day
Friday, April 8 - Trades Career Pathway (Sophomores & Juniors) - All Day
Tuesday, April 12 & Wednesday, April 13 - MCA Reading (Grades 6/7/8/10)
Friday, April 15 - No School - Spring Break
Monday, April 18 - No School - Spring Break
Tuesday, April 19 & Wednesday, April 20 - MCA Math (Grades 6/7/8/11)
Friday, April 22 - Red Cross Blood Drive - 9 AM - 4 PM (See Details Below)
Tuesday, April 26 or Wednesday, April 27 - MCA Science (Grades 8/11)
Friday, April 29 - Seniors Adopt a Highway
Friday, April 29 - HBC Prom - Grand March at 8 PM (see details below)
Thursday, May 12 - HBC 5th -12th Band Concert at HBC Secondary
Monday, May 16 - HBC 6th - 12th Choir Concert at HBC Secondary
Friday, May 20th - FFA Banquet - Steen Reformed Church - 7 PM
Friday, May 27th - HBC Graduation Class of 2022 Commencement - 7 PM
Community Blood Bank Coming to HBC Secondary - Friday, April 22nd
Junior - Senior Prom - Friday, April 29th
Academics First - OntoCollege & Preparing Our Students for Colleges & Careers (Repeat)
Our high school seeks to create two- and four-year college graduates with minimal debt. Thus, we are bringing proven, entertaining ACT preparation—OnToCollege (OTC)-- to students. Each student will experience the course in school over the next few months leading up to the ACT or MCAs (ACT for Juniors is on April 5th, 2022 Test Date).
Students will also have online access at home to further prepare and work through many of the Additional Prep and Solution Video resources that are available to them. If your student is struggling with a specific subject area or concept on the ACT, OTC’s Additional Prep and Solution Video resources can help.
Higher ACT scores can mean larger college scholarships. The average score increase from OnToCollege is 2-3 points for the ACT, which can save your family thousands in college costs and increase your child’s college choices. Click here to watch a short video where John Baylor discusses the importance of the ACT, even at test-optional schools.
We will be offering valuable instruction time during the school day (during College & Career Ready and Patriot Prep) to complete the course. All students are expected to attend the classes to prepare for their test (ACT/MCA).
You are invited to follow OnToCollege’s Twitter feed, Facebook page, and use resources, read blogs, or watch videos/podcasts available for free at OnToCollege.com.
We are excited to be doing even more to maximize your child’s chances to get into his or her best-fit college or technical school at the lowest cost and to become a college graduate with minimal debt. Thanks for helping us ensure students prioritize this course and the upcoming test.
Information for Families Regarding MCA III Assessments: (Repeat)
MCA Statewide Assessments Dear Families,
The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) requires that statewide assessments are annually administered in reading, mathematics, and science. They are designed to provide the state, districts, and schools with a snapshot of student learning of the Minnesota K-12 Academic Standards.
When will HBC Students take the MCA Tests? What Grades will take the MCA Tests?
MCA Reading - (3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 10th) - Tuesday, April 12th and Wednesday, April 13th
MCA Math - (3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 11th) - Tuesday, April 19th and Wednesday, April 20th
MCA Science - (5th, 8th and 10th) - Tuesday, April 26th or Wednesday, April 27th
What are the MCA Tests? The Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) and Minnesota Test of Academic Skills (MTAS) are reading, mathematics, and science standards-based assessments that measure student learning of the Minnesota Academic Standards. These assessments are used meet federal and state legislative requirements. Most students take the MCA, but students who receive special education services and meet the MTAS eligibility requirements may take the MTAS instead.
Why do we give these assessments? MCA results provide valuable information for the school, district and MDE about how well students have learned concepts and skills from the academic standards. Educators and schools can use the results to plan instruction and evaluate their curriculum. Families can also use the results as one way to measure how students are doing on the content that is part of their daily instruction. School- and district-level test results are used in federal and state accountability measurements.
How are the MCA administered? The MCAs must be taken in person, even if your student is enrolled in an online program. For students temporarily learning online, they will take statewide assessments when they return to school. Your school can provide more specific information about the health and safety measures they are taking to ensure students and staff stay safe and healthy during test administration. Most students take the MCA online, but some eligible students take the assessment in a paper test book instead. For the MTAS, teachers work with each student individually using paper test materials.
How can I get more information?Contact your school for more information on how these test results are used to support your student’s learning. The MCA and MTAS Parent Fact Sheets are available on the MDE website (under Students and Families > Programs and Initiatives > Statewide Testing) in several languages.
If you have any questions, please contact Andrew Kellenberger, District Assessment Coordinator - a.kellenberger@isd671.net
Spring Assessments Coming Soon (Repeat)
Spring Testing is an important time to check progress for our students. As we get closer to March and April, we will enter the Spring Assessment season. Please click this LINK to see our HBC Assessment Calendar. This will give you an idea when each assessment is scheduled for ACTs, MCAs and NWEAs.
Order HBC Secondary Yearbooks Now (Repeat)
After March 11th, the yearbook will cost $45.
Free and Reduced Lunch (Repeat)
If your family’s income has changed since the start of the school year it is still possible to complete an application for free and reduced lunch. With all meals currently free, this application can also provide additional program and activity benefits. Forms are available online or at the secondary school office.
E-Learning Days (Repeat)
E-learning days...if school is cancelled because of inclement weather or any other reason. Here is the procedure for E-Learning Days (Link).
Deficiency Lists for the Start of 4th Quarter- (New)
As we emphasize the importance of academics and being well-rounded students, athletes and participants of co-curricular activities, please be reminded that we have continued to utilize the Deficiency List.
If a student is on the Deficiency List, students must turn in their phone with their respected study hall teacher(s) to promote students engaging in their school work. Students should hand in their phone to the teacher at the beginning of class and will get their phones back at the end of class. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Kellenberger.
The Deficiency List / Academic Eligibility is located in Section 9 of the Secondary Student Handbook (LINK).
This slide explains the different levels of deficiencies. Parents and students will receive an emailed letter notifying them if their student is on the deficiency list. Please continue to support your student who may be struggling with completing school work.
The picture below shows the different levels of the Deficiency List.
HBC Athletics Updates (Repeat)
For the most updated information about sporting events, please download the HBC App or the HBC School Website
School Lunch (Repeat) -- With current food availability our menus do change. Our Food Service Director does keep the menu on the H-BC App current- https://www.hbcpatriots.com/dining Remember to refer to the App and not the newsletter for the most current menu.
AM BUS CHANGES--For morning bus changes please call or text the bus line--make sure to identify your student and the bus number they are riding: 507-962-3240 Ext. 4.
Wellness and Well Being (Repeat)
Please continue to pay close attention to your student’s health and symptoms daily. Use the screener that is listed below and when in doubt call the school office with questions. This is also a great time to remind your student(s) about good hygiene/health - washing hands regularly, proper way to sneeze and cough, getting good rest and drinking plenty of water.
SCREENER - Continue to SCREEN your students daily.
Please reach out to me if you have any needs. Phone- 507-962-3240 or email a.kellenberger@isd671.net