Friday, March 18, 2022
GaGa Ball! Ask your child about our new playground GaGa Ball Pit! The students have waited with anticipation and now it’s here! Our thanks to: Mr. Lowagie and the H-BC Industrial Arts Class, who built the structure, H-BC PTO for their donation, Jake Rauk for all his work and Mr. DeBoer for teaching the students the rules and how to play.
Down Syndrome Awareness: On Monday March 21, 2022 we will celebrate our friends diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Students are encouraged to wear crazy socks. Wearing brightly colored socks signifies the extra chromosome that people with Down Syndrome usually carry. Rock Your Socks!
Preschool Registration Night: Monday, March 21, at 6:30 pm at the Hills-Beaver Creek Elementary School. Registration children who will turn 3 or 4 by September 1. Children must be potty trained. Come check out our Little Patriot Academy Program. You will be glad you did!!!
Kindergarten Round Up: If you missed Kindergarten Roundup on Friday, March 18, 2022, please call the office to register your child.
FFA Farm Safety: HBC Elementary will host the HBC Secondary FFA as they teach elementary students about Farm Safety. This event will occur on March 23. Note: There will be live farm animals and other pets may be present. Please notify the office if your child is allergic to any animals.
Skating Program In PE: Grades K-5 students are excited to participate in a roller skating program in PE March 24, 28, 29 and 30. Skates are being coordinated through Skatetime School Programs. Permission slips will go home with each student this week. Parents, thank you for promptly returning the forms. See the bottom of this newsletter for the form.
Roller Skating Party: Friday, March 25, we are having a skating party In conjunction with the skating program in PE. Skates will be provided. Grades K-5 skate from 5:30-7:00 and grades 6-8 skate from 7:00-8:30. See the flyer at the bottom for details. K-5 Parents should accompany children attending this event.
Lions Club Vision Screenings: The Rock County Lions Club will Sponsor a Free Vision Screening for all H-BC Elementary students K-5 at the Elementary School on Tuesday, March 29, 2022. Please see additional information at the bottom of this newsletter.
Thank you Big Sioux Basketball League Coaches:
As the Big Sioux Youth Basketball League season comes to an end. We extend our sincere thanks to the coaches who have given so much of their time.
Thank you: Derek Sammons, Rex Metzger, Travis Broesder, Jodi Taubert, Cheri Leuthold, Tim Bosch, Pete Gehrke, Tyler Bush, Dan Wegener and Josh Rheault.
Early Childhood Family Education: ECFE classes will continue in March on Tuesday nights. ECFE is designed for families with children from birth to five. For more information contact Macy Ellingson at m.ellingson@isd671.net.
March 21 - 6:30 Little Patriot Academy 22-23 Registration Night
March 21 - Down Syndrome Awareness Day - Students are encouraged to wear crazy socks
March 23 - End of 3rd Quarter Marking Period
March 24 - Begin 4th Quarter
March 25 - No School/Staff Development
March 25 - Roller Skating Party
Please follow us on Facebook - @hbcpatriots1 This is a great way to see all the amazing happenings at HBC Public Schools!
2022-2023 School Calendar: The Hills-Beaver Creek Board of Education approved the 2022-2023 School Calendar at its meeting on 2/28/22. Here is the LInk to the 2022-2023 School Calendar.
The District Newsletter: Be sure to read the March newsletter, it's full of H-BC happenings. https://www.hbcpatriots.com/browse/1071
NUT AWARE SCHOOL: H-BC Elementary School is a peanut/tree nut allergy aware area. There will be no classroom projects with peanut butter or peanut shells. Please do not send any of these projects into the classroom with your child. It is our hope that parents, who send a lunch from home for their child, CHOOSE NOT TO send foods containing peanut butter or nuts.
AM BUS CHANGES: For morning bus changes please call the HBC bus line--make sure to identify your student and the bus number they are riding: 507-962-3240 press 4.
Please reach out to Mr. Holthaus if you have any needs. Phone- 507-673-2541 or email t.holthaus@isd671.net