H-BC Secondary Families:
It is week 3 of school already! Thank you for making it a successful start to the 21-22 School Year! Please continue to remind yourself and your students of good hygiene practices as we try to minimize the spread of Covid-19. Please continue to screen your students before sending your student(s) to school. Thank you for keeping our students healthy and learning.
SCREENER - Also a friendly reminder to continue to SCREEN your students daily. (Repeat)
Safe Return In Person Learning Plan Fall 2021(Repeat)
Hills-Beaver Creek Public Schools is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for our staff and students. To ensure we have a safe and healthy workplace, we have developed the following Health Safety Plan in response to the ongoing COVID-19 health concerns. Please click this LINK for the Plan.
Seniors Adopt a Highway - Thursday, October 7 (New)
Our seniors will be giving back to our community by cleaning up our ditches and our community on Thursday, Oct. 7th from 9:40 - 11:05 AM. Seniors should dress appropriately, bring gloves and wear comfortable shoes. Thank you seniors for keeping our community clean.
October. 7th - Parent/Teacher Conferences Secondary (New) - Please mark your calendars for Parent/Teacher Conferences on Thursday, October 7th from 3:45 - 7:15 PM. Conferences will look similar to Open House where parents/caregivers can come and meet with their students’ respected teachers during the 3.5 hour time block. Teachers will be available to discuss students’ progress during this time. Please be considerate of other parents/caregivers who may be in the room by patiently waiting outside of classroom until classroom is open.
FFA Corn Drive - Friday, October 8th (New)
Ms. Anderson, FFA Advisor and Ag Teacher, has been busy planning the FFA Corn Drive which will be on Friday, October 8th during the school day. FFA Members who have passing grades (C or better) and no missing assignments will be invited to participate. FFA members will be out in our school community collecting corn, monetary gifts and also providing our farmers with a FREE grilled lunch at New Vision. If you would like to make a donation, please contact Ms. Anderson at c.anderson@isd671.net
Varsity Football and Volleyball Updates (Repeat)
For the most updated information about sporting events, please download the HBC App or the HBC School Website
ACTION NEEDED: (Repeat) It is important that families, if you haven’t done so already, fill out the free and reduced lunch applications otherwise known as “Application for Educational Benefits”. Registration link found here: https://tinyurl.com/y5yz9soj
AM BUS CHANGES--For morning bus changes please call or text the bus line--make sure to identify your student and the bus number they are riding: 507-962-3240 Ext. 4.
Back to school online registration--Thanks to all the parents and families that completed their student online registration through JMC. It is an easy way for the school to collect the necessary information for school enrollment. If you have not yet completed registration for your student please do so as soon as possible. In most cases you are just missing the Signature piece. Log into www.hbc.onlinejmc.com. If you receive a message from the school stating all or a portion of your students registration is incomplete, please act promptly! Call the office with questions 507-673-2541.
MASKS ARE REQUIRED ON BUSSES (Repeat): As you know, students need to wear a masks on the school bus. We need your assistance. Please have your child prepared with their mask in the AM and PM bus route. The district’s supply of Masks is quickly dwindling. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!
School Lunch (Repeat) -- All H-BC Students will have free lunch. That is correct FREE! Here is the letter explaining this...Letter LINK.
Please reach out to me if you have any needs. Phone- 507-962-3240 or email a.kellenberger@isd671.net