H-BC Elementary School Families:
12:45 Dismissal Today
MCA Tests
Thank you to all the students in grades 3-5 for their work on the MCA Math Assessments! We are so proud of our students! MCA tests for grades 3 and 4 are complete! 5th grade will be taking their Science MCA test next week on Tuesday, April 27th. Also, thank you to the 5th grade parents and school for providing breakfast this past week to our MCA Test Takers!
Choose to the be the “I” in KIND
Thank you to Mrs. Moore for making this banner! Good reminder for us all!
Creative Writing Contest Winners! Congratulations to the following H-BC Elementary Students who received awards for their entry in the SWWC Cooperative Writing Contest.
3rd and 4th Grade Fiction
1st Place: Brekyn Klarenbeek
2nd Place: Ryker Gehrke
3rd Place: Penni Moore
5th Grade Nonfiction
2nd Place: Brystol Teune
Earth Day Cleanup!
Today, our students participated in a walk of the neighborhood around the elementary school to pick up trash. Great way to help the environment! Great job students!
Elementary Music Concert
Great job Mrs. Comp and the Elementary Students on the vocal music performances this week. The recording, for all to view, will be posted at 4:30 on Monday, April 26.
Music Festival
Congratulations to Gavin Harnack for representing H-BC at the Elementary Festival Honor Choir in Brookings, yesterday, April 22. Way to represent Gavin!
Summer Basketball Camp Registration:
Current students in grades 3-8 are invited to attend this year’s camp led by Coach Kale Wiertzema and members of the High School Basketball teams. The camp is June 7-10. 3rd-5th grade-8-10am and 6th-8th grade-12:00pm at the jr/sr high school in Hills. Registration forms were sent home today.
Summer Swimming Registration:
H-BC is pleased to again be coordinating Summer Swimming Lessons through Luverne Area Aquatics & Fitness. Registration forms were sent home. Lessons will be June 21-July 1, 8:45-9:25 am. Students 5 years and older, my register. The fee is $32. Parents may also sign their child up for the daily transportation for $20. Registration deadline is May 13.
Summer Rec Calendars
The 10U, 12U & 14U Softball and Baseball schedules & information are posted to our hbc.patriots.com website. They are located under: Menu, Parent Information, Summer Recreation.
H-BC Elementary School Early Dismissals: April 23, 29
Looking ahead--
April Early Dismissal dates: Thursday, 4/29
Monday, April 26th-Video Broadcast of Elementary Vocal Music Concert beginning at 4:30 pm.
May 21 - K-5 Puppy Relays
NO Early Dismissal dates in May.
Please reach out to me if you have any needs. Phone- 507-673-2541 or email t.holthaus@isd671.net