February 19th, 2021
If you are reading this you survived a very cold week in Minnesota! Thank you for making sure your students are dressed for the weather and getting your students to school ready to learn. Next week is FFA week! We will be celebrating all week with dress up days, FFA breakfast for ALL on Wednesday, FFA games on Wednesday and Driver Your TRACTOR to School on Friday.
Here are some pictures from this week.
Congratulations to Blake Leenderts and Mazzi Moore for advancing to the Chapter Invitational for Math Counts! Good luck to these 8th grade mathematicians at the Math Counts Chapter Invitational next week!
Senior students create fleece blankets for children at Sanford Children’s Hospital for a Genius Hour project for English 12. Great job giving back to others!
6th graders collaborate on an Invention Project. Students researched and created a display that discusses their invention and inventor. Well done 6th grade!
Students work to determine the solution of x, y and m = slope for Algebra. Do you remember solving these variables?
DO NOT FORGET TO SCREEN YOUR STUDENT REMINDER: (Repeat) Make sure to screen your child everyday, prior to coming to school! Here is the link for Screener. Your assistance is greatly appreciated!
Early Dismissals (New)
The following dates are the early dismissals scheduled for February. HBC Secondary will be dismissed at 12:30 PM on early dismissal days. The elementary will follow at 12:45 PM.
Thursday, February 25 - Early Dismissal
Wednesday, March 3 - Early Dismissal
Thursday, March 11 - Early Dismissal
Wednesday, March 17 - Early Dismissal
Thursday, March 25 - Early Dismissal
Mid-Quarter is Wednesday, February 24th (New)
3rd Quarter is ½ way completed on Wednesday, February 24th. The secondary office will send mid-quarter reports home shortly after. Good time to check in with your child’s teacher to see how your child is progressing. Please view their progress on JMC.
Driver’s Education Starting Monday, March 22nd (Repeat)
Driver’s Education Course will be starting on Monday, March 22nd. The class will mostly be held after school for a duration of three weeks ending on April 7th. The class is a total of 30 hours of coursework. The cost of the course is $340.00 and will be due before you attend the first class on Monday, March 22nd. Letters with more information were sent out on Tuesday, 2/16 for those students/families who signed up.
ACT on Tuesday, March 30th - All Juniors (Repeat)
On Tuesday, March 30th, all HBC Juniors will be taking the ACT Assessment. The ACT is a standardized test for post-secondary/college admissions. The cost of this test is FREE and all students will have the opportunity to take the test to help them decide their next steps after high school. All juniors are registered to take the ACT on the morning of Tuesday, March 30th. Juniors will take the ACT at HBC Secondary.
Starting Monday, February 22nd, our Juniors will begin ACT prep - On to College in their advisory classes which will benefit them greatly if they take this prep time seriously. Please encourage your Junior student to start preparing now by having their grades up, and making sure they use their advisory time wisely. Students are encouraged to practice and prepare during advisory and at home to prepare for March 30th.
Junior students also signed up for their MyAct.org account. Students can take practice ACT tests for each subject to prepare for the March 30th assessment.
If you have any questions, please contact the school.
2021 HBC TRAP TEAM Sign-Up (New)
8th - 12th grade students who are interested in being part of the HBC Trap Shooting team. Please sign-up in the office by the end of the day on Wednesday, February 24th. A student/parent meeting will be held at a later date.
Is Your Student Failing a Class? - Students who are Failing MUST stay after for Early Dismissal - Next Early Dismissal is Thursday, February 25th
Parents and Students,
Academic success is critical for graduation and giving students more opportunities after they leave HBC schools after they graduate. If a student fails a class, your student will need to make up that course (called credit recovery) to earn the necessary credits to graduate. Students who fail a class will typically make up the class the following school year. If you are unsure how your student is progressing, please view JMC now to see if your student is passing all of their classes. If you have questions, please reach out to your student(s)’ teacher(s).
On Thursday, February 25th (Early Release), Jr. High and Sr. High students who are failing a class MUST stay after school during the early release (12:30 PM) to work with their teacher(s) to raise their grade to a passing score.
Please make plans with your student so they can get the extra support they need from our teachers. Again, please email or call your student(s)’s teacher(s) if you have any questions about your student(s)’ progress.
Deficiency Lists - Starting Tuesday, February 16th (Repeat)
As we stress the importance of academics and being well-rounded students, athletes and participants of co-curricular activities, please be reminded that we will begin our deficiency lists starting for Quarter 3. Students who are failing will be REQUIRED to stay after school during early releases to improve their grades.
The Deficiency List / Academic Eligibility is located in Section 9 of the Secondary Student Handbook (LINK).
Spring Assessments Coming Soon
Spring Testing is an important time to check progress for our students. As we get closer to March and April, we will enter Spring Assessment season. Please click this LINK to see our HBC Assessment Calendar. This will give you an idea when each assessment is scheduled for ACTs, MCAs and NWEAs.
E-Learning Days (Repeat)
E-learning days...if school is cancelled because of inclement weather or any other reason. Here is the procedure for E-Learning Days (Link).
HBC Basketball Season - HBC App, Facebook & Twitter (Repeat)
There are a number of games coming up this week through March. Please download the HBC App today for up to date schedules and scores. You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook for information and changes. Thank you for supporting HBC Athletics.
Cold Weather and Dressing Appropriately (Repeat)
PLEASE make sure your student is prepared for the colder weather. Students will be walking to their PE classes which are located at Hugo Goehle Gymnasium which is 6 blocks away if the conditions are NOT slippery or wet. In most cases, students will walk and need to be dressed for the colder weather.
Please email me or call if you have any questions.
Andrew Kellenberger, Principal
Phone- 507-962-3240 ext. 2101 or email a.kellenberger@isd671.net