H-BC Families:
Thank you all for your continued flexibility and sacrifice as we partner to educate the students of the H-BC School District.
At this time, H-BC will continue to serve our students in person, but know that neighboring communities are experiencing an increase in COVID-19 activity. The District Incident Command Team and I are aware of this heightened activity and continue to monitor and will adjust the H-BC Learning Model to meet the needs of our students and staff, as necessary.
As of yesterday, November 5, our schools had one positive staff case (returning today) and two other staff members quarantined with a close contact or investigation of close contact. Confirmed positive COVID student cases: Two at Secondary School and none at the Elementary School. We had 11 close contacts at the Secondary and seven close contacts at the Elementary School all under quarantine and not in school buildings.
Please partner with the school for a renewed effort to ensure safety in the areas that we are able to control. Reinforcement of the following: Safe 6' or greater distancing, face coverings, continuing to monitor health of students (here is the district screener). Your assistance in reinforcing these areas is greatly appreciated!
The school is committed to continue with a minimum of one early dismissal per week alternating between Wednesdays and Thursdays, unless the school calendar has a planned early dismissal on another day. The next early dismissal is Thursday, November 12.
The continued safety of H-BC students and staff is a priority. The school is continuing to educate students with your assistance. We are able to accomplish much with positivity and encouragement.
Stay well,
Todd Holthaus