HBC Jr. High / Sr. High Bulletin
October 15, 2020
H-BC Secondary Families:
Week #6 Complete! Next week we are heading into Homecoming Week at HBC. Students and staff are excited for all the fun and traditions that homecoming week will bring.
Please continue to practice social distancing during the weekend. As numbers go up in Rock County, we need to do what we can to STAY IN SCHOOL to learn and also STAY IN SCHOOL to participate in co-curricular activities.
A friendly reminder about No School on Friday, October 16th.
We also have an early dismissal next Wednesday, October 21st (see below).
Here are some photos from Week #6.
Ms. Comp’s Music Class begins lessons on Buckets. Fascinating to hear amazing music from a 5 gallon pail. Great job students!
6th Graders learned about ‘A New Norm’ from talented and local author Tom Roberts. Students heard about a story intended to reflect the feelings of those of us who struggle with anxiety, depression, grief, anger, doubt, shame, fear and more. The presentation was intended to provide encouragement that difficulties such as these can be overcome. So needed in 2020.
Tuesday was Team Ethan Day. HBC students and staff wore Team Ethan shirts to honor Ethan. We miss you, Ethan!
On Wednesday, our 6th graders went back in time with a visit to Pucky Sandager’s farm. Pucky was a phenomenal orator who talked about MN history, homesteading and Bruce, MN. The lesson and artifacts fit perfectly into the 6th Grade Social Studies standards on MN History. Thank you, Mr. Sandager.
4th Period Patriot Millworks Completed Tables for Outdoor Classroom and Outdoor Lunch Area.
COVID-19 Update - Do you send Your Student to School or Not? (Repeat)
As the school year is in full swing across the state, we are noticing that there is confusion about when students or staff members should stay home from school and for how long. There is confusion between the distinctions of when individuals are sick and/or experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and when they have been exposed to a confirmed case of COVID-19. We highly encourage everyone to review the COVID-19 decision tree exclusion guidance, as it’s called, which lays out a number of scenarios and appropriate steps for children, students and staff.
DO NOT FORGET TO SCREEN YOUR STUDENT REMINDER: (Repeat) Make sure to screen your child everyday, prior to coming to school! Here is the link for Screener. Your assistance is greatly appreciated!
Homecoming Week - October 19th - 23rd (New)
Homecoming will be the week of October 19th. We will continue to follow MDH and MDE’s recommendations for keeping our students and staff safe which include masking and social distancing where necessary. Here is our tentative schedule for Secondary Homecoming.
Monday, October 19th -
Coronation - 2:00 PM at the New High School Gymnasium
Juniors vs Seniors Volleyball game to follow
*** 11th - 12th Students Invited and Homecoming Court Families
HBC Volleyball Home Game - 4:45 PM (C Game) vs. WWG
Dress-Up Days
Monday- Pajama Day
Tuesday - Formal Day
Wednesday - Circle of Life Day
Thursday - Zombie Day
Friday - Red, White and Blue Day
Kickball School Tournament
Students will be competing against grade-level advisories in kickball.
Friday, October 23rd -
HBC Football Home Game - 7 PM vs. WWG
HBC Homecoming Coronation Court - Congratulations Senior Students
King Candidates
Chase Bosch
Tory Knobloch
Calvin Erickson
Zander Wysong
Queen Candidates
Annie Bos
Allie LaRock
Abby Knobloch
Lauren Tatge
Master and Mistress of Ceremonies- Gavin Wysong and Taryn Rauk
Junior Representatives- Conner Vandevoort and Mackenzie Voss
Sophomore Representatives- Alex Harris and Sophia Vansurksum
Freshmen Representatives- Layla Deelstra and Cooper Gehrke
Wednesday, October 21st - Early Dismissal (New)
Wednesday, October 21, 2020 is now an early dismissal for the H-BC School District. Early dismissal Times are as usual--12:30 at the Secondary School and 12:45 at the Elementary School.
The reason for this added dismissal is to allow for a time of catch up for students, teaching staff, and added cleaning of our facilities.
October is National Bully Prevention Month (Repeat)
October is National Bully Prevention Month. HBC Secondary has been learning how we can all prevent bullying. Each Monday, students have been learning about bullying and what they can do to stop it. This is occuring during the Monday Advisory period which is called Monday Patriot Life. Here is the video students watched this past Monday which have led to some great discussions.
The Bystander Effect - The Science of Empathy Video (Link)
Also, please do your part to ‘stomp out bullying’. Please report any bullying you see at this link (also located on HBC website).
Students and Staff can also wear Orange on Wednesday, October 21st to show unity and to show support for preventing bullying. This is also Homecoming Day Circle of Life so please be creative.
Varsity & Jr. High Football and Volleyball Schedules: (Repeat)
Please visit the HBC App on your smartphone or the Red Rock Conference website (link) to see the fall schedules for the fall sport season. There will be games for Varsity and Jr. High football and volleyball. There will be new restrictions as we follow MSHSL guidelines. On Monday there will be a letter sent to all student-athlete families about the upcoming season. Please pay the activity fee of $60 per sport or $180 per family.
From the Nurse - Flu Clinic, Wednesday, October 14th (Repeat)
The Flu Vaccine Clinic for all staff and students was this past Wednesday. Thank you for your patience as we did reschedule. If you did not get the flu shot, please prepare for the flu season by getting one.
Andrew Kellenberger, Principal
Phone- 507-962-3240 or email a.kellenberger@isd671.net