H-BC Elementary School Families:
Continuing on with our school! Excellent!
This past Friday, 9/25, the Elementary School practiced a hard lock down drill. Students were informed and practiced well! This is part of our ALICE
Grades 4-6 Students interested in participating in the Big Sioux Basketball league need to return survey forms by Wednesday, October 7th.
Mid Quarter was 9/30/2020--Grades 4 & 5 reports sent home on 10/6
H-BC Elementary School Early Dismissal: This Wednesday, October 7th is a 12:45 dismissal.
HOMECOMING WEEK OCTOBER 19-23: H-BC ELEMENTARY is celebrating homecoming week October 19-23. We will be hosting a drive through parade. Students stationary and cars drive through on Friday, October 23. Stay tuned for more information. Also student council has planned theme days; Monday, October 19 - Crazy Hair Day
Tuesday, October 20- Jersey/Favorite Sports Team
Wednesday, October 21- Disney/Marvel Day
Thursday, October 22- Class color day
Kdg- Black
1st - purple
2nd- green
3rd - red
4th - white
5th - blue
Friday, October 23- Red, white and blue Patriot day
H-BC Flu Shot Clinic: This Thursday, October 8 in the morning.
Bus Changes--For morning bus changes please call or text the bus line--make sure to identify your student and the bus number they are riding: 507-220-2035
H-BC PRIDE Store-H-BC Elementary school PRIDE store was open for business today, Friday, October 2. Students earned PRIDE Points for positive behaviors and are able to spend points on trinkets and other items in the PRIDE Store. Ask your student about this event! Positive, Respectful, Integrity, Determined, Excellence--That's who we are at H-BC Elementary! Keep up the good work!
H-BC Elementary Picture Day!--Completed on Tuesday, September 22nd. Picture Makeup day is November 4.
Jr. Parent After Prom Sub Sandwiches: SUB SANDWICH Pickup is tomorrow, Saturday, October 3 from 9:30 until 10:30 am at the Secondary School in Hills.
Here is some great information on 4-H--LINK.
Please reach out to me if you have any needs. Phone- 507-673-2541 or email t.holthaus@isd671.net