H-BC Elementary School Families:
Another fantastic week at H-BC!
Mid Quarter:
Wednesday, September 30th marks the 1st quarter marking period mid quarter.
Early Dismissal: October 7th is a 12:45 dismissal.
COVID--Thanks to all the parents and families for screening your child prior to coming to school every day! Much appreciated. When in doubt about symptoms or whether or not to send your student to school call the school office. We are here to help!
H-BC Flu Shot Clinic: Thursday, October 8 in the morning. Flu forms must be turned into Mrs. Leenderts by Thursday, October 1
Bus Changes--For morning bus changes please call or text the bus line--make sure to identify your student and the bus number they are riding: 507-220-2035
H-BC PRIDE Store-H-BC Elementary school PRIDE store is open for business on Friday, October 2. Students earn PRIDE Points for positive behaviors and are able to spend points on trinkets and other items in the PRIDE Store. Ask your student about this event! Positive, Respectful, Integrity, Determined, Excellence--That's who we are at H-BC Elementary!
2020-2021 Student Council Members:
3rd Grade--Penni Moore and Ian Lingen
4th Grade--Gavin Harnack and Trinity Olson
5th Grade--Jace Gacke and Claire Boeve
These students serve to represent others! Way to go!
H-BC Elementary Picture Day!--Completed on Tuesday, September 22nd. Picture Makeup day is November 4.
Jr. Parent After Prom Sub Sandwiches: Click here to see more information about ordering sub sandwiches from the Jr. Parent After Prom Committee. Order deadline 9/27. Order pickup 10/3.
Please reach out to me if you have any needs. Phone- 507-673-2541 or email t.holthaus@isd671.net