September 21, 2020
Seniors and Parents of Seniors,
This letter is a reminder about the ACT on Tuesday, October 6th for all of our seniors. This ACT was originally scheduled to be taken last spring before COVID postponed the assessment. The ACT will be held at H-BC Secondary at 8:15 AM. It is important that you plan to be here and start preparing for this assessment. As you may remember, our seniors did prepare for the ACT with the John Baylor Prep last spring. They may still have this information to prepare for the ACT.
Seniors should know the following information:
The ACT is free of charge and will take place on Tuesday, October 6th at 8:15 AM.
The location will be at HBC Secondary
Mr. Ellingson and Mr. Wiertzema will be proctors for the ACT
If you have any questions, please contact me at 962-3240.
Good Luck Seniors,
Mr. Kellenberger