HBC Jr. High / Sr. High Bulletin 09/11/2020
H-BC Secondary Families:
Wow! What a wonderful feeling to have our students back at H-BC Secondary. It was a GREAT first week of school. We will be taking this year one day at a time, but we now know that we are better when we are together. Here are some highlights from the week.
6th Grade Outdoor Reading Workshop. Great job making lemonade out of lemons, 6th Grade.
Ms. Wysong’s Pre-Calculas Class - Everybody loves math with this view!
Jr. High Band in the NEW music hall playing Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Say that 3x!
Friday - Vikings vs Packers Day at HBC. The HBC Drumline performed the Vikings SKOL Chant for our students (social distance style) to start the school day. Click this link to see our Drumline Perform Skol Chant.
Varsity Football and Volleyball Starts Monday, September 14th
Varsity football and volleyball start on Monday, September 14th. The teams will be following the MSHSL regulations. Please send your student with water bottles for hydration. If your student registered, you should receive a letter on Monday, September 14th.
Link to Regulations for Football
Link to Regulations for Volleyball
Varsity Football
Sept. 14th - Oct 3rd (M-Th)
Total Practices: 12
Time: 3:30 - 5:30 PM
Location: Outdoors
Lockers: Hugo Gym
Varsity and JV Volleyball
Sept. 14th - Oct. 3rd (M-Th)
Total Practices: 12
Time: 3:30 - 5:30 PM
Location: Varsity (New gym) & Junior Varsity (Hugo gym)
Lockers: Varsity (New gym) & Junior Varsity (Hugo gym)
Jr. High Football and Jr. High Volleyball Starts Monday, September 21st
Jr. High football and volleyball start on Monday, September 21st. The teams will be following the MSHSL regulations as well (see link above). Please send your student with water bottles for hydration. If your student registered, you should receive a letter on Monday, September 14th.
Jr. High Football
Sept. 21st - Oct. 2nd (M-F)
Total Practices: 10
Time: 3:30 - 5:30 PM
Location: Outdoors
Lockers: Hugo Gym
Jr. High Volleyball
Sept. 21 - Oct. 2nd (M-F)
Total Practices: 10
Time: 3:30 - 5:30 PM
Location: Beaver Creek Gym
Locker: Beaver Creek Girls Locker
MASKS and SOCIAL DISTANCING: Please continue to send your student with a CLEAN mask each day. The masks should be worn over the mouth and nose. This is extremely important for keeping everyone safe. Please continue to remind your student to socially distance. It is extremely important to keep our students in school. We can only do this if everyone is doing their part.
Schedule and Clothing: Students and Staff are adjusting to the new schedule of Red/Blue Day. As the weather improves, students may be taking more breaks outdoors. Please have them dress appropriately and wear layers. Phy. Edu. Classes have been outdoors or traveling to the Hugo Gym. They will continue to walk as the temperatures get cooler. Dress appropriately. Here is the schedule for Red and Blue Day.
ACTION NEEDED: It is important that families, if you haven’t done so already, fill out the free and reduced lunch applications otherwise known as “Application for Educational Benefits”. Registration link found here: https://tinyurl.com/y5yz9soj
Back to school online registration--Thanks to all the parents and families that completed their student online registration through JMC. It is an easy way for the school to collect the necessary information for school enrollment. If you have not yet completed registration for your student please do so as soon as possible. Log into www.hbc.onlinejmc.com. If you receive a message from the school stating all or a portion of your students registration is incomplete, please act promptly! Call the office with questions 507-673-2541.
PATRIOT DAY-- Friday, September 11 was Patriot Day! The Secondary had a 10 second moment of silence and a reminder to start Friday followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Let us remember and talk with our students about this day as we honor our country and those we lost.
AM BUS CHANGES--For morning bus changes please call or text the bus line--make sure to identify your student and the bus number they are riding: 507-220-2035
AM Drop--If its is raining or you don't see our school staff on the playground in the morning, please drop your student off at Door #1 on the North Side of the School.
School Lunch Changes-- Monday, September 14 all H-BC Students will have free lunch. That is correct FREE! Here is the letter explaining this...Letter LINK.
Reminder: Make sure to screen your child everyday, prior to coming to school! Your assistance is greatly appreciated!
From the Nurse:
Flu Clinic is Thursday, October 8. Please return the form below by October 1 if you want your child to receive the flu vaccine
The Flu Vaccine Clinic for all staff and students will be Thursday, October 8.
Links: Flu Consent Form Link
Flu Vaccine Information Sheet Link
H-BC Secondary Picture Day!--Tuesday, September 22nd.
School picture day is almost here. Please make sure your student is ready for this day.
Seniors - Tuesday, October 6th - ACT at HBC Secondary
Our seniors will be participating in the ACT test on October 6th. There will be preparation done in school for this important assessment. Please encourage your senior to do their best. The senior advisory teachers, Mr. Steve Wiertzema and Mr. Ellingson will have more information for preparing for the ACT.
Please reach out to me if you have any needs. Phone- 507-962-3240 or email a.kellenberger@isd671.net