H-BC Families:
We are running smoothly at H-BC Elementary School! It has been such a great first week seeing all of our students back with us! I am so excited to see what the year has in store for us!
ACTION NEEDED: It is important that families, if you haven’t done so already, fill out the free and reduced lunch applications otherwise known as “Application for Educational Benefits”. Registration link found here: https://tinyurl.com/y5yz9soj
Back to school online registration--Thanks to all the parents and families that completed their student online registration through JMC. It is an easy way for the school to collect the necessary information for school enrollment. If you have not yet completed registration for your student please do so as soon as possible. Log into www.hbc.onlinejmc.com. If you receive a message from the school stating all or a portion of your students registration is incomplete, please act promptly! Call the office with questions 507-673-2541
PATRIOT DAY-- Today, September 11 is Patriot Day! Almost 20 years ago, we remember. Never forget. Good time to have a discussion with your student!
AM BUS CHANGES--For morning bus changes please call or text the bus line--make sure to identify your student and the bus number they are riding: 507-220-2035
AM Drop--If its is raining or you don't see our school staff on the playground in the morning, please drop your student off at Door #1 on the North Side of the School.
School Lunch Changes-- Monday, September 14 all H-BC Students will have free lunch. That is correct FREE! Here is the letter explaining this...Letter LINK.
Reminder: Make sure to screen your child everyday, prior to coming to school! Your assistance is greatly appreciated!
H-BC Elementary Picture Day!--Tuesday, September 22nd.
Please reach out to me if you have any needs. Phone- 507-673-2541 or email t.holthaus@isd671.net