Senior Salute - Bryn Mongeau
Bryn Mongeau is the daughter of Darcy Lowman-Craig, Bjarne Aanning, and Aaron Mongeau. Bryn moved to the Hills - Beaver Creek district in middle school. Her mom is a retired Army Sergeant and social worker at the VA hospital and her stepdad is a nurse at the VA hospital as well as a captain in the army. Her dad, Aaron, lives in Baltimore and works at a bike shop. Bryn is a free spirit with a lot of musical and artistic talents. During her senior year, Bryn has been an active participant in the Southwest CEO program where she has been challenged to learn about business, leadership, and entrepreneurship. She also took classes such as art, choir, band, business math, government and PSEO courses.
Survey responses from Bryn:
Coolest art project: I did a Vance Kirkland inspired painting this year. It involved a lot of really intricate dots and patterns and was super fun to work on.
Most excited for/nervous for next year: I'm really excited to meet new people and to join a fun music program. I'm nervous that my roommate will be messy, and that I might be taking too many classes.
Dumbest trend of the year: What the heck was with people tucking sweatpants into socks? It was a thing for like a week and I'm still confused about it.
Who is your hero and why? Carrie Fisher, not only did she play Princess Leia she was also a really cool lady. She was super smart and very outspoken, I want to be like her as I get older.
Bucket list item: Cliff diving, not too crazy but I can't swim so I should probably figure that out first.
Advice for incoming freshmen: Don't fall into the "this doesn't matter" mindset. I spent a lot of time in middle school and the first part of high school feeling like football games and being involved was stupid, it's really not. Being apart of your community is really fun and I promise you that it's worth your time.
Next year Bryn is going to SMSU and will be double majoring in social work and music. She plans to pursue a professional career in social work for 5-10 years and then go to law school to become a juvenile defense attorney. The music degree, according to Bryn, is more for teaching music and churches and other small scale choirs or bands in her free time and for fun! Bryn, you are a delight! Congratulations and well wishes!