H-BC Families:
Currently, we are living in a new normal. KNOW all of us here at H-BC miss our students and wish we could all be together soon.
On Wednesday, March 25th, MN Governor Walz issued new directives for schools. H-BC has been directed to begin Distance Learning on Monday, March 30th and continue through April 30th.
H-BC will not be having Distance Learning April 9, 10 and 13. Distance Learning continues on April 14th and goes through April 30th. NO School on May 1 and May 4, with Students reporting to School Buildings on Tuesday, May 5th. ANY AND ALL ITEMS MAY CHANGE. STAY TUNED.
Distance Learning PLAN
Here is the link to the District's Distance Learning Plan. Please view this plan as it relays important information as we move into this new window of time educating children. Thank you for all of your support and patience as we embark on this new adventure. Please reach out to your child's teacher with questions. DISTANCE LEARNING is required. All Students must participate all the days school is in session!
Moving Forward...
PACKETS --Each week on Fridays (April 3, April 17 and April 24) Packet Pickup and Drop-off is scheduled. 7 AM until 4 PM. Not all students will have a packet to return--This mainly impacts Elementary Students. However, there may be other grade levels with items that need delivery and will have a need to pickup or drop-off. This will be communicated from school.
- Hills and Steen addresses pickup and drop at the High School.
- Beaver Creek, Brandon, Garretson, Luverne, Jasper, Valley Springs addresses pickup and drop at the Elementary School in Beaver Creek.
These are trying times. Please know that you are not in this alone! We are all in this together!
The third quarter marking period ended on March 26th. Grades are being sent home on Monday, March 30th. Quarter 4 begins on Monday, March 30th.
These are trying times. Please know that you are not in this alone! We are all in this together!
Mr. Holthaus
HBC Superintendent