HBC Families:
The H-BC School District Staff are busily continuing to prepare for the District's Distance Learning Plan. Thank you to the flexibility of all District Staff. Thank you to all H-BC Families for your patience and flexibility! You are the best.
The State of MN Schools are closed and with no new learning happening through Friday, March 27th
The District's Distance Learning Plan will be posted to the District's website and sent out to Families on Friday March 27th
The Plan is to begin Distance Learning on Monday, March 30th, unless the Governor of MN Directs otherwise.
The end of 3rd Quarter is Thursday, March 26th--Grades are sent home Monday, March 30th
PLEASE return Library Books as your child is finished with the book. This may be done when picking up items on Thursday or Friday.
Part of H-BC’s Distance Learning Plan is for weekly drop and pickup of School Items. HBC’s weekly pickup and drop off day is Friday.
Grades K-8 Device and Packet Information
Your assistance is needed.
Devices and Packets must be picked up by families on Thursday, March 26th or Friday March 27th from 7:00 am through 6:00 pm
Packet/Device Curbside Pickup PROCEDURES:
Drive up to Door #1 at the Building that you have been assigned (See Below). Stay in your car
Tell School Personnel the last name of the parent contact
School Personnel will bring items to your vehicle
Drive away
H-BC K-8 Families with Hills and Steen addresses -Packet and Device Pickup at the Secondary School in Hills--From 7:00 am until 6:00 pm on March 26 & 27.
H-BC K-8 Families with Beaver Creek, Brandon, Garretson, Jasper, Luverne, Valley Springs addresses -Packet and Device Pickup at the Elementary School in Beaver Creek-- From 7:00 am until 6:00 pm on March 26 & 27.
Unless directed otherwise, H-BC Distance Learning begins Monday, March 30th
Thank you all for your continued patience and flexibility.
Be Well,
Mr. Holthaus