Time change, full moon, Friday the 13th, and a COVID 19 pandemic... oh my! This past week a few of our students were able to be out and about doing exciting extracurricular or extension activities such as the choir participating in an honor choir opportunity at Gustavus Adolphus. An FFA group went to compete at regions, one of the three knowledge bowl teams competed at regions, and some middle school band students participating in solo ensembles in Marshall. The 6th grade completed their swimming lessons and the driver's education course finished up with classes!
The Knowledge Bowl team (Lauren Tatge, Abby Knobloch, Jax Wysong, Liam Ramon, and Jacob Sheppard) competed on 3/12/2020 in Marshall. They had a good experience, but will not be advancing to state.
The H-BC Crops team (Austin Allen, Oliver Deelstra, Calvin Erickson, Easton Harnack, Carter Hartz, and Drew Leenderts) placed 6th at Region VI and will be advancing to state!
Basketball All - Conference and Honorable Mention Awards:
Girls - Whitney Elbers, Kenadie Fick, Abby Knobloch, and Taryn Rauk - All - Conference; Joslyn Birger - All - Conference Honorable Mention
Boys - Jax Wysong - All - Conference; Kyle Kueter & Gavin Wysong - All - Conference Honorable Mention
COVID 19 Corona Virus
Here is a letter that was sent out yesterday as related to COVID-19. Also, see below for information in assisting your child in dealing with COVID-19 anxiousness or uncertainty.
Guidelines from the H-BC Nurse, Lois Leenderts
- As always, we recommend that people stay home when sick, cover their cough, and practice good hand hygiene. These recommendations are especially important during this time.
- Students or staff who arrive to school sick (fever greater than 100 or a frequent cough) will be sent home. Students and staff MUST be fever free for 24 hours without the use of medication before returning to school.
- Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water. Students and staff need to wash their hands before eating.
- Cover your cough and sneezes.
- When notifying the school that your child will be absent for the day, please inform us why your child will be absent. If they are ill, please report their symptoms.
Following suggested safety precautions, we will be postponing and cancelling some events. Postponed/Cancelled Events:
Monday, March 16 - Winter Sports banquet is postponed
Open Gym is canceled indefinitely
Tuesday, March 17 - Large group music competition postponed
Thursday, March 19 - Concert with the Band Foreigner at the Washington Pavilion postponed
*We will also be restricting guests/visitors, sales or college reps, service people, etc. beginning on Monday as a precaution. Please call before you come.
March 26 - End of Quarter 3
March 27 - No school
Bullying Reporting Form-- Here is the link for reporting bullying. https://bit.ly/2lN4lvc
Be safe and healthy!
Mrs. Schilling
507-962-3240 ext. 44