H-BC Elementary Parent Connection 03.06.2020
Today we had beach day for grades K-2...as you can see by the picture students came dressed for the day in shorts t-shirts and had their beach towels. We had another great week.
Congratulations to Garrett Blank on his being selected to participate in the ACDA Grades 3-5 Honor Choir! Way to go Garrett!
H-BC Elementary March Theme Days:
Friday, March 13th—Game Day—K-2 Students are encouraged to bring in simple board games to play and enjoy some popcorn.
Thursday, March 26th—March Madness—All grades will participate in several gross motor activities in the gym and enjoy a snack. Teamwork is the emphasis of this time.
COVID 19--H-BC Continues to receive information from the Mn Department of Health on Coronavirus care. You can be an active participant:
- WASH HANDS thoroughly and often,
- SNEEZE/COUGH into your elbow,
- IF SICK, stay home.
The following symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure--FEVER, COUGH, SHORTNESS OF BREATH. Be informed.
Swimming: Third through fifth graders are continue swimming! Swimming runs through Thursday, March 12.
Kindergarten: New this year! On March 20th our Kindergarteners will not have school! No School only for the Kindergarten Class. No School because our next years kindergarteners (Current Preschoolers) will be having Kindergarten for a day! Your preschooler will get an invite.
SKATE NIGHT: Skate Night at the H-BC Elementary School. The H-BC Elementary School Student Council is sponsoring a Skate Night from 6 pm until 7:30 pm on a Friday, March 13th Students bring their skates to go round and round in the gym! If no skates, no problem, still come and enjoy music. Light lunch (Pizza) served along with snacks. Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Bullying Reporting Form-- Here is the link for reporting bullying. https://bit.ly/2lN4lvc
Looking Ahead:
• Last day of 3rd Quarter Grading Period, Thursday, March 26
• No School Friday, March 27
PARENTS - It's NOT too late to get your team in the HBC Adult Co Ed
Volleyball Tournament on Saturday, March 21st.
Call Alisha Boomgaarden today to register 507-360-5486.
If you or if you know of someone interested, H-BC still has a varsity head volleyball coaching position. More information here...https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws...