H-BC Elementary Parent Connection 02.28.2020
March in like a lamb!
Today was dressed as a book character day at H-BC to End I love to Read Month!
Monday, March 2, is Read Across America Day...HAT DAY and DEAR time at H-BC.
H-BC Elementary March Theme Days:
Friday, March 6—“Beach Day”. GRADES K-2...Wear summer type clothing to school and make sure to bring a beach towel...Students will be reading in the gym, have popcicles, play beach volleyball, hula hoop and have surfing races.
Friday, March 14th—Game Day—K-2 Students are encouraged to bring in simple board games to play and enjoy some popcorn.
Thursday, March 26th—March Madness—All grades will participate in several gross motor activities in the gym and enjoy a snack. Teamwork is the emphasis of this time.
Make sure to stop by the High School Commons on Sunday, March 1, 2020 for the Chili Feed, Noon-2 pm.
Swimming: Third through fifth graders are going swimming! Swimming begins on Monday, March 2 and runs through Thursday, March 12.
Kindergarten: New this year! On March 20th our Kindergarteners will not have school! No School only for the Kindergarten Class. No School because our next years kindergarteners (Current Preschoolers) will be having Kindergarten for a day! Your preschooler will get an invite.
PTO Walk a Thon: Thanks to all that gave! The PTO raised over $6,000 for the walk a thon ...Here is more information and the link to give. The PTO purchased cookies for our Elementary Students today as a thank you for the students hard work selling!
Robotics: Thanks to the 4-H for their sponsorship of Robotics. We had a great competition last night!
SKATE NIGHT: It’s coming back...Skate night at the H-BC Elementary School. The H-BC Elementary School Student Council is sponsoring a skate night from 6 pm until 7:30 pm on a Friday, March 13th (tentative--if H-BC Still involved in basketball will be postponed). Students bring their skates to go round and round in the gym!
Bullying Reporting Form-- Here is the link for reporting bullying. https://bit.ly/2lN4lvc
Looking Ahead:
• Last day of 3rd Quarter Grading Period, Thursday, March 26
• No School Friday, March 27