Seriously great week at H-BC Elementary! We truly have great students and families! Fantastic! I'm blessed.
Swimming: Third through fifth graders are going swimming! Swimming begins on Monday, March 2 and runs through Thursday, March 12. Permission slips were sent home on February 20. Please let me know if you have questions.
Kindergarten: New this year! On March 20th our Kindergarteners will not have school! No School only for the Kindergarten Class. No School because our next years kindergarteners (Current Preschoolers) will be having Kindergarten for a day! Your preschooler will get an invite.
K-1 Saturday Basketball: Saturday Basketball--Last Camp Day, tomorrow, Saturday, February 22nd beginning at 9 am
2-3 Saturday Basketball: Saturday Basketball--Last Camp, tomorrow, Saturday, February 22nd, beginning at 8 am.
Breakfast at H-BC Elementary--Here is a photo of the students that used their pride points to enjoy a complimentary school breakfast! Pride Points in action!
PTO Walk a Thon: Thanks to all that gave! Wonderful! We'll keep you posted on amounts as they become available. The Connection Cover Photos are some of our participant of the PtO Walk a Thon. Still have chance to give...Here is more information and the link to give. .
Robotics: Continues this week
SKATE NIGHT: It’s coming back...Skate night at the H-BC Elementary School. The H-BC Elementary School Student Council is sponsoring a skate night from 6 pm until 7:30 pm on a Friday, March 13th (tentative--if H-BC Still involved in basketball will be postponed). We have discovered a conflict with 2/28. Students bring their skates to go round and round in the gym!
Bullying Reporting Form-- Here is the link for reporting bullying.
Looking Ahead:
• Last day of 3rd Quarter Grading Period, Thursday, March 26
• No School Friday, March 27
Mr. Holthaus
HBC Elementary Principal
507-673-2541 ext 11