H-BC is joining the State of Minnesota's proclamation in recognizing the paraprofessionals that work alongside our students and staff every day making a positive difference! Thank you for all that you do daily! The paraprofessionals working in the secondary building include: Dalton Bass, Shari Doer, Brianna Leuthold, Valeria Meinerts, Lexi Moore, Emily Opheim, and April Prohl.
Algorithms that are fun and exciting? Dr. Valerie Zonnefeld from Dordt University came on January 23rd to present a basketball data analytic battle to our sophomore through senior math students. Using March Madness as a way to learn statistics and algorithms seems to be a hit!
Semester one and quarter two grades were emailed (or mailed) home on Thursday, January 23rd. Students with incompletes or failing grades have until January 31st to make up scores before becoming ineligible on the deficiency level III list.
Thank you to Tim Weidenbach and Weston Frank for sharing their stories with us on Wednesday morning. Weston even shared his musical talents and gave away a few free copies of his CD.
Congratulations to Josh Lohr for winning the Geography Bee!
See Something? Say Something! Report bullying at this link: https://bit.ly/2lN4lvc
Upcoming Events:
1/24 - GBB @ Edgerton
1/25 - BB v. MCC
1/27 - JH G v. Adrian & JH B @ Adrian
1/27 - Board Meeting
1/28 - JH G @ WL
1/28 - BB @ Luverne
1/28 - GB v. MLA
1/30 - 5th & 6th band concert in the HS
1/30 - BB @ RRC
1/31 - GB v. HLOF