April 19, 2024
H-BC Elementary Families:
Way to go everyone! Another successful week at H-BC Elementary School! Please make sure to be informed of all the upcoming events by reading the Connection each week, especially as we get into this last month of school. There is much information that you will need to be informed! Thank you for being involved in your child’s education. Together we will do many great things!
Thank you to all our families for helping us make the MCA testing experience successful! Just one more test to go for our 5th graders!
Hat’s off to all administrative professionals! H-BC celebrates Mrs. Plimpton on Wednesday, April 24 on Administrative Professionals Day! Please give a shout out to Mrs. Plimpton- Thanking her for her great work! You are greatly appreciated, Mrs. Plimpton!
The final testing days are Tuesday and Wednesday with the MCA science test for 5th grade.
Patriot Pride: Patriot Pride Bingo winners got to do "Popcorn and Games" for their prize this week! The final Pride Store of the year is April 26.
GET READY TO ROLL: H-BC Elementary K-5 students will be trading in their sneakers for skates in PE class April 22nd to May 3rd. We'll be learning the basics of quad skating, from balancing and gliding to stopping and turning. Roller Skating is a fun way to improve our balance, coordination, and get some exercise. Students need not worry if they’ve never skated before – everyone starts somewhere! We'll be learning together and cheering each other on. Parent permission slips are due back before April 22.
Our sincere thanks to the H-BC Elementary PTO for paying for this SkateTime experience for our students. Please direct any questions to Mr. DeBoer.
LITTLE PATRIOT FAMILY FORMAL/MINI PROM: The class of 2026 Parents & H-BC Elementary PTO are sponsoring a Little Patriot Family Formal on Saturday, April 27. See the district newsletter (below) for the details.
H-BC ELEMENTARY ROLLER SKATING PARTY: The culmination of our PE roller skating week is the Roller Skating party on Friday, May 3, 6:00-7:30 pm.at H-BC Elementary. The Elementary Student Council, in conjunction with the PTO, are hosting the event. Student’s must be accompanied by an adult. See the flyer at the bottom of this newsletter for details.
LITTLE PATRIOT FAMILY FORMAL/MINI PROM: The class of 2026 Parents & H-BC Elementary PTO are sponsoring a Little Patriot Family Formal on Saturday, April 27. See the district newsletter (below) for the details.
APRIL DISTRICT NEWSLETTER: Stay in the know of what is happening at H-BC by clicking here to read the newsletter.
SUMMER SWIMMING LESSONS: Mark your calendar now and watch for information to be sent home regarding summer swimming lessons at the Luverne Aquatics & Fitness Center. H-BC Lessons will be June 17-27, 8:45-9:25. Bussing will be available for current kindergarten students and older. GOOD NEWS: Lessons & Transportation will be free to H-BC Students this year. Watch for registration information to come soon.
April 23 and 24- 5th Grade MCA Science Testing
April 24- Mid-Quarter
April 26- Elementary 1 pm Dismissal/Staff Development
May 3- H-BC Elementary Roller Skating Party
May 17- H-BC Elementary Puppy Relays (track & field day)
May 22- Last Student Day
AM BUS CHANGES: For morning bus changes please call the HBC bus line--make sure to identify your student and the bus number they are riding: 507-962-3240 and follow the prompts
Please reach out to me if you have any needs. Phone- 507-673-2541 x1102 or t.holthaus@isd671.net