H-BC Elementary Parent Connection 10/11/2019
H-BC Elementary Parent Connection
Friday, October 11, 2019
Homecoming Week was a blast at H-BC Elementary School. Such a great time to build community!
Community Ed Volleyball
Volleyball meets tomorrow for their last meeting... Saturday--October 12.
Flu Vaccination Form
Here is a link to the Flu Vaccination Form for this years Flu Vaccination Clinic at our Schools. Please fill out and return to school. Here is the link for the Flu Clinic -October 15. CLINIC IS SET FOR TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15!
MID-QUARTER Reports were sent home today for 4th and 5th graders.
Evacuation Drill
Students will participate in a school evacuation drill Thursday, October 17.
E-Learning Day Practice
On Thursday, October 17th Students will be practicing activities for their E-Learning Day while at school. Here is a link to the district's E-Learning Plan.
Homecoming Festivities Wrap Up!
Today we had a homecoming celebration the last period of the day! Students were able to participate in the singing of our school song (they did a fantastic job). Also, we had a paper airplane flight contest--Winner was Kristina Stefanyuk, The Cup Stacking Challenge was won by Hailey Moser, Football Toss Champion Was Riggins Rheault, the Rock Paper Scissors Champion Hunter Leenderts. The fifth graders maintained control of the Patriot Spirit Stick. Thanks to all of our students for their participation!
Video of Elementary Students singing the School Song--Its only 25 seconds
October Bullying Month
Students are asked to wear Orange on Wednesday, October 23rd for Unity Day. This is to recognize that we need to unite to eliminate bullying!
Friday, October 18 is a non school day! This is the Education Minnesota Break.
Bullying Reporting Form
Here is the link for reporting bullying. https://bit.ly/2lN4lvc
Other Items:
- Flu Vaccination Day, Wednesday, October 15
- Unity Day (Wear Orange) Anti-Bullying Day, October 23
- Picture retakes 11/5
- P/T Conferences 11/14 and 11/19
- American Education Week 11/17-11/22
- Grand Parent/Special Person Day, Friday, November 22
Mr. Holthaus
HBC Elementary Principal
507-673-2541 ext 11