February 2, 2024
H-BC Elementary Families:
We have a very good start with our 3rd quarter. Not to mention, the weather has been quite wonderful!
February is Black History MONTH! Please take a moment to learn about many of the heroes from our past! Black History Month LINK
I LOVE to READ Month has begun. Students are playing Bookopoly. The most important piece is that we need our students to be reading everyday! A goal for at home reading time of 15 minutes is great. Friday’s are dress up/fun days:
Friday, Feb. 9: Bring a Stuffy to School (Drop Everything And Read)
Friday, Feb. 23: Character Dress Up Day
Friday, March 1: Dr. Seuss Day, dress up in black, white and red
Today the students were encouraged to “wear a shirt you can read’:
EARLY OUT & CONFERENCES: Thursday, February 15, is an early dismissal day - 1:00 pm at the Elementary and 12:45 at the Secondary. Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held from 4:00 pm-7:45 pm at both buildings. Elementary parents will be contacted by your child’s teacher for a scheduled conference time. If you were not scheduled, and would like to visit with your child’s teacher, please call.
NO SCHOOL: Remember, there is NO SCHOOL Friday, February 16, and Monday, February 19.
BASKETBALL CAMP: Tomorrow, Saturday, February 3rd is the final basketball camp. Our thanks to Mr. Gerhke, Ms. Untiedt and the varsity basketball players for leading the camp!
SUMMER REC: It’s true, plans are underway for summer activities! Information was sent home with grades 3-9 regarding softball & baseball registration. Please return forms before February 16. Baseball https://5il.co/2dm26 Softball https://5il.co/2dm25
MEDICAL ASSISTANCE & MINNESOTA CARE: See the information here: https://5il.co/2djm2 regarding renewing Minnesota health care coverage.
EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION: Looking for a way to spend quality time with your child? Join us at the H-BC Elementary School for ECFE Class. Bring your 0-5 age children, 6:00 -7:30 pm. The upcoming dates are: February 6 & 20 & March 12 & 26, Classes do not require advanced registration. Come once or twice, or make it part of your monthly schedule!
2/15- Early Out - Elementary Students dismissed at 1:00 pm
2/15- P/T Conferences
2/16-19 No School
2/23- MidQuarter
AM BUS CHANGES: For morning bus changes please call the HBC bus line--make sure to identify your student and the bus number they are riding: 507-962-3240
Please reach out to me if you have any needs. Phone- 507-673-2541 or t.holthaus@isd67