H-BC Elementary Parent Connection 10/04/2019
H-BC Elementary Parent Connection
Friday, October 04, 2019
Thanks for another great week at H-BC Elementary School!
Here is more information about the National Blue Ribbon Schools Program
Community Ed Volleyball
Volleyball meets next Saturday--October 12.
Flu Vaccination Form
Here is a link to the Flu Vaccination Form for this years Flu Vaccination Clinic at our Schools. Please fill out and return to school. Here is the link for the Flu Clinic -October 15.
We are 1/2 way through the the quarter. Mid-quarter reports for grades 4 and 5 sent home on Tuesday, October 8.
Parade Permission Form
Here is a link to the Student Parade Permission Form. Please turn into your child's teacher by Wednesday, October 9. Thank you!
Benefit Meal
Come on out to the benefit meal for The McGaffee and Steensma Families to assist with medical expenses. Here is more information...https://docs.google.com/docume...
PRIDE STORE (Positivity, Respectful, Integrity, Determination, Excellence)
The HBC Elementary PRIDE Store was open (today) for students to purchase items with their Pride Points. Parents be on the lookout for students coming home with different items they purchase at the PRIDE Store.
Green Day
Today students were asked to wear green as a reminder of those in our midst battling cancer! #noonefightsalone
October Bullying Month
Students are asked to wear Orange on Wednesday, October 23rd for Unity Day. This is to recognize that we need to unite to eliminate bullying!
MONDAY-10/7-Pajama Day-Come dressed in your pajamas,
TUESDAY-10/8-Career Day-Dress in your career uniform,
WEDNESDAY-10/9-Class Color Days 5th graders wear blue, 4th graders wear red, 3rd graders wear white, 2nd graders wear yellow, 1st graders wear green, kindergarten wears purple, Preschool wears black,
THURSDAY-10/10--Sports Team Apparel Day,
FRIDAY-10/11--Patriot Day-Wear Red/White/Blue. Parade in Hills on Friday, October 11 at 2:45 pm.
PTO Inflatables Postponed
The PTO inflatables have been postponed to a future time. NO inflatables Friday, October 11.
Sioux Falls Canaries Game October 5
On Saturday, October 5th at 7:05 PM, The first 1,000 fans will get a free commemorative Stampede Clark Cup puck, and puck holder. The Stampede will also be hosting a pre-game tailgate at the Birdcage starting at 4:30 PM. Students and Family’s from Hills-Beaver Creek Elementary receive a discount on tickets. You must call in and mention you are part of the school. Cost: Blue level Seating at $15 and Grey Level Seating at $13. The normal ticket prices for this game are between $20-22 for the same seats. Call 605-336-6060 for ticket information.
Bullying Reporting Form
Here is the link for reporting bullying. https://bit.ly/2lN4lvc
Other Items:
- Homecoming Parade is Friday, October 11@ 2:45 pm in Hills--See above for Permission From. Here is the Parade Route.
- Flu Vaccination Day, Wednesday, October 15
- Unity Day (Wear Orange) Anti-Bullying Day, October 23
- Picture retakes 11/5
- P/T Conferences 11/14 and 11/19
- American Education Week 11/17-11/22
- Grand Parent/Special Person Day, Friday, November 22
Mr. Holthaus
HBC Elementary Principal
507-673-2541 ext 11