H-BC Elementary Parent Connection
Friday, September 13, 2019
Another great week here at H-BC Elementary School. We are starting to get into our routine! I'm a fan of routine! Stay tuned for a BIG Announcement the week of September 23rd! It's going to be excellent!!!
Mrs. Boeve, Mrs. Wysong and Mrs. Anderson will be filling in the Elementary front office the week of September 16.
Community Ed Football Volleyball
Volleyball meets on Saturdays--September 14, 21, and October 12. Flag Football has been cancelled due to lack of participants. We are looking at changes for next year for Football.
Photo Release
The enrolled H-BC Student is brining home a paper copy of the H-BC Photo Release form. Please indicate your wishes on the form. Here is a link to copy of the form. Please return to the Elementary or Secondary School Office by Thursday, September 19. Thank you.
Grades K-2 Apple Orchard
Our grades K-2 students are heading to the Ocheda Apple Orchard Friday, September 27. Information will be sent to Parents.
Principal and Student Meetings
This past week I met with students in Grade 3-5. I had a very nice time meeting and discussing student safety, student code of conduct, student handbook and other items. Another item I discussed was ALICE--Alert Lockdown Inform Counter Evacuate. Students and I had a very nice information and discussion session. Please ask your student about these items.
H-BC Elementary Student Council
The 2019-2020 Student Council Members for H-BC Elementary School: 3rd Grade: Ryker Gehrke, Brekyn Klarenbeek 4th Grade: Norah Top, Karson Metzger 5th Grade: Hailey Moser AJ Foote--Looking forward working along with this fine group of student leaders.
TITLE I Parent Involvement Meeting
We have scheduled a parent meeting for those interested in learning more about the H-BC Elementary School Title I Program and to plan the Parent Involvement Component. If you'd like to attend please come to the H-BC Elementary School Tuesday, September 17 at 4 pm. Mrs. Fischer will be conducting the meeting.
Items coming your way:
- If your child qualifies for Title I Interventions, the Title I Compact will be coming your way in paper form.
- Grades 4 and 5--MCA Test Results are being sent home with students on Monday, September 16th
- See above the Photo Release
Football Field Game Parking and Students (Reminder)
Reminder: Students attending home football games may be in one of three locations: seated on the bleachers, seated around the guide wire of the football field or in an approved vehicle parked around the football field. Students may not be walking around the football field or playing games. They are all welcome to attend and watch the game. Thank you for your assistance with making sure your child is in one of these three locations.
Bus Changes
For morning bus changes please call or text the bus line--make sure to identify your student and the bus number they are riding: 507-220-2035
Bullying Reporting Form
Here is the link for reporting bullying. https://bit.ly/2lN4lvc
Other Items:
- School Pictures are on October 2
- Homecoming Week is the week of October 7
- Homecoming Parade is Friday, October 11@ 2:45 pm in Hills
Mr. Holthaus
HBC Elementary Principal
507-673-2541 ext 11