H-BC Secondary Families:
A lot of happenings at HBC Secondary this past week.
Here are some pictures from the HBC Veterans Day Program. Thank you to Ms. Untiedt, Ms. Glenda McGaffee and all staff & students for creating a memorable and patriotic program. Also a BIG THANK YOU to all who have served for our country - THANK YOU VETERANS!
This past week was the first week of Quarter 2. Thursday (11/9) the Quarter 1 Report Cards were sent via email. Please look at your email to view your student(s)’ progress. However, you can always view up-to-date grades on JMC (computer or phone). See step-by-step directions below.
A reminder that any student who received a failing grade (F) for Quarter 1 does have two weeks from the last day of quarter 1 (11/20/23) to raise his/her grade. It is important for students to work with his/her teacher to create a plan to improve his/her grade if they failed the first quarter.
Finally, if you did not see the November Newsletter, here the LINK.
Monday, November 13 - Junior Parent Meeting at 7 PM (details below)
Monday, November 13 - 17 - American Education Week (details below)
Tuesday, November 14 - ASVAB for Juniors - 8:00 - 11:30 AM - Room 406
Tuesday, November 14 - Early Dismissal at 12:46 PM Secondary (Secondary Staff Workshop)
Wednesday, November 15 - American Education Week - Flip Day (Students dress like teachers; Staff dress like students) - details below
Wednesday, November 22-24 - No School
Monday, December 4 - HBC Band & Choir Concerts at HBC Secondary
Thursday, December 14 - Early Dismissal/ Secondary Parent Teacher Conferences 4:00 - 7:30 PM
AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK (New) - November 13-17
This is a great opportunity to show your appreciation to any of our staff at HBC for all the hard work they do to bring our students the best education possible. THANK YOU to these AMAZING HBC STAFF MEMBERS for the dedication, hard work, care and most importantly EDUCATION they bring to our students each and every day.
Wednesday, November 15 - Flip-Flop Day - Staff as Students; Students as Staff Day
To celebrate our professional teachers and creative students, HBC Secondary would like to invite all staff and students to participate in Flip Flop Day (not flip-flops BRRRR it’s too cold) - Staff as Students & Students as Staff Day. Our staff will be dressing up like our students and we hope our students will dress up like our staff.
Monday, December 4th at 7 PM - Middle/High School Band & Choir Concerts
Winter Sports Updates
For the most updated information about sporting events, please download the HBC App or the HBC School Website
We will again be using our Parent Notification System to inform you of weather related late starts and other items of importance at Hills-Beaver Creek Schools. As we get into that time of year, this system is reliable, however please keep an eye on other avenues as well, such as AM 800 or FM 101.5, and Sioux Falls television/websites: KELO, KDLT and KSFY.
E-LEARNING DAYS (Repeat): If school is canceled because of inclement weather or any other reason. Here is the procedure for E-Learning Days.
World’s Best Workforce 2023-2024 Final Plan (Repeat)
This plan has been developed to comply with MN Statute 201.B11. The plan is developed to provide a comprehensive, long-term strategic plan to support and improve teaching and learning that is aligned with creating the world’s best workforce. Our plan was started in conjunction with our district plan that was developed and adopted in 2015. The five goals that are the focus of the plan include:
Ensuring that all students are ready for kindergarten, making progress to close the achievement gap among our students, preparing all students in third grade to achieve grade level literacy, ensuring that all students attain career and college readiness before graduation from high school, and striving to have all students graduate from high school.
This plan is a blueprint that demonstrates how current district initiatives, policies, and plans work together to create a quality workforce that will be equipped with the necessary skills for the 21st century.
Please click on the following LINK to find our comprehensive, long-term strategic WBWF plan.
Junior Parent Meeting - Monday, Nov. 13th at 7 PM
Jr. Parent meeting on Monday, November 13th at 7:00 at the high school in Room 305.
World Classroom - 6th/7th/8th Graders to Washington DC 2025
Parents & Family of current 6th-8th graders,
Current 6-8th graders and parents who are interested in a school trip to our Nation’s Capital - Washington D.C. during the Summer of 2025 can register now.
If you are still interested in going (we have over 20 people going), please register at the following link.
Kindest Regards,
Mr. Andrew Kellenberger and Mrs. Steph Bass
Deficiency Lists for 1st Quarter- (Repeat)
As we emphasize the importance of academics and being well-rounded students, athletes and participants of co-curricular activities, please be reminded that we began our deficiency lists starting for Quarter 1.
The Deficiency List / Academic Eligibility is located in Section 9 of the Secondary Student Handbook (LINK).
This slide explains the different levels of deficiencies. Parents and students will receive an emailed letter notifying them if their student is on the deficiency list. Please continue to support your student who may be struggling with completing school work.
The picture below shows the different levels of the Deficiency List.
Varsity Sport Updates
For the most updated information about sporting events, please download the HBC App or the HBC School Website
Updated Student Schedule - Schedule on JMC
Please make sure you are getting the most updated student schedule on the JMC app/website. Students were able to change schedules this week.
AM BUS CHANGES--For morning bus changes please call or text the bus line--make sure to identify your student and the bus number they are riding: 507-962-3240 Ext. 4.
SECOND ENTREE PURCHASE: Students in grades 6-12 may purchase a second entree with their meal. The entree is $2.50. If choosing a second entree, students may pay cash or the family lunch account will be charged. Students MUST sign up for 2nd entree on Kitchen Door each morning. This will allow our cooks to make enough food. Thank you.
Please reach out to me if you have any needs. Phone- 507-962-3240 or email a.kellenberger@isd671.net