Parent Connection


September 22, 2023

H-BC Families:

H-BC Elementary School Students participated in the general election for student council officers this week. Our candidates made posters and videos about why they would be a good candidate for officer positions. Congratulations to the 2023-24 Student Council Officers and Representatives! 

President: Charlie Wilsey
VP: Bryce Metzger
Treasurer: Tucker Terry
Secretary: Londyn DeBoer
3rd Grade Reps: Ellie Metzer, Harper Uittenbogaard, Jessamy Dwire, Claire Kruger
4th Grade Reps: Brea Clark-Crawford, Emry Boelman, Raylan Leuthold, Brittany Kittleson
5th Grade Reps: Grace Prohl, Zoey Huisman, Jordyn Rauk 

HOMECOMING:   Our Homecoming parade will be at 2:45 pm in Hills on Friday, September 29.  See the route at the bottom of this document.   Following the parade, elementary students will be dismissed following the plan on the homecoming permission form completed by parents.

HOMECOMING DRESS UP DAYS:  We look forward to seeing all the dress up days creativity.  Parents, please be sure costume dress is modest and weapons (toy or real) are NOT sent to school.   Here is the link for Homecoming Week--LINK

PICTURE MAKEUP DAY:  Photography by Mark will be back Tuesday, September 26, for those who did not take their picture at our Open House.  MWF Little Patriot Academy makeup day will be November 1.

PTO APPAREL ORDER:  If you missed the last apparel order, the store is open again!  Check out this link:   The store closes Thursday, September 28 at 10:00 am.  All proceeds benefit H-BC Elementary School.

PTO VIKING TICKET PACKAGE: To kick off fall, the PTO is doing a raffle for one VERY BIG PRIZE. The winner will receive 4 tickets (sec 128, row 13, seats 11-14.) to the VIkings vs. Kansas City Chiefs football game on Sunday, Oct. 8 at US Bank Stadium. The prize package includes a $350 Visa Gift Card. The PTO will be selling raffle tickets at the football game this evening ($10 each or 6 for $50).  The drawing will be held during halftime of the homecoming football game on Friday. Sept. 29. Last minute tickets can be purchased at the volleyball game and first half of the football game that night.

VOLLEYBALL CAMP:  Registration forms for volleyball camp were sent home today.  Please return the form & payment before October 2.

Who:      K-5 Girls
Where:  H-BC Secondary School—Hills, MN
Dates:    October 14, October 21, October 28
Times:    Grades K-2:   8:30 am -   9:45 am
Grades 3-5:   9:45 am - 11:00 am
Cost:    $30.00 per player (Checks made out to H-BC Community Ed)

AFTER SCHOOL CARE:  PEAC - Patriot Enrichment After School Care is available for “regulars” and “drop-ins”.   Call the office or email Mrs. Voss for more information:

SECOND ENTREE PURCHASE: Students in grades K-5 may purchase a second entree with their meal.  The entree is $2.50.  If choosing a second entree, students may pay cash or the family lunch account will be charged. Students MUST tell their teacher they want to purchase a second entree when they take the lunch count in the morning. 

If your child DOES NOT have permission to charge a second entree, please notify the teacher and office. 

MOBILE DENTAL CLINIC:  Check out the information here at the bottom of this newsletter if you are interested in the mobile dental clinic.  If interested in an appointment, call quickly as times fill up fast.

AM DROP OFF:  If it’s raining or you don't see our school staff on the playground in the morning, please drop your student off at Door #1 on the North Side of the School.  

MILK BREAK FEE:  Grades 1-5 milk break is $40 for the year.  If you have not yet paid this fee, we appreciate you doing so promptly.

ACTION NEEDED:  If you haven’t done so already, please fill out the free and reduced lunch applications otherwise known as “Application for Educational Benefits”.   Registration link found here:   Even though meals are free this year, your application does have benefits for district programs.

JR CLASS SALES:  The Junior Class Parents are raising funds for the After Prom Party.  Get a Patriot Head Painted on our driveway or order sandwiches. Use the linK to learn more about these great opportunities Learn how to get a Patriot Head painted at your house

JMC REGISTRATION:  We’re almost there Parents!    If you receive a message from the school stating all or a portion of your students registration is incomplete, please act promptly! Log into  Call the office with questions 507-673-2541x2.

AM BUS CHANGES: For morning bus changes please call the HBC  bus line--make sure to identify your student and the bus number they are riding:  507-962-3240 LOOKING AHEAD:

  • September - 25-29- Homecoming Week

  • September - 26 Picture Day

  • October 5 - Early Dismissal 1:00 pm  

  • October 11 - Flu Vaccine Clinic - watch for information to be sent home. 

Please reach out to me if you have any needs. Phone- 507-673-2541 or

Homecoming Parade Route 2:45 pm - Friday, September 29th.