H-BC Secondary Families:
Wow! H-BC Secondary has finalized another school year! Thank you for partnering in our students’ education for the 22-23 school year! It has been truly a great school year! Many folks make this possible- Teachers, paraprofessionals, bus drivers, nurses, therapists, cooks, custodians, office staff! Thank you to ALL!
A reminder to come to the Hills-Beaver Creek 58th Commencement tonight!
Senior Graduation Set - Friday, May 26th - 7:00 PM
Our Graduation for the Class of 2023 will be on Friday, May 26th at 7:00 PM in the HBC New Gymnasium. Congratulations Class of 2023!
GRAD Student Council Last Day Celebration at the Park! (New)
Great last day celebrating a successful 22-23 school year. Thank you to our GRAD Student Council & Ms. Bass & Ms. McGaffee for making this a perfect school day to end the school year. Here is a few pictures from the day at the park! Click on the link to see all of the photos! https://photos.app.goo.gl/wT65h5yQDWUaYUVT6
If you missed it, MAY NEWSLETTER: https://5il.co/1tjsl
23-24 SCHOOL CALENDAR: https://5il.co/1rfim
Summer Speed Training 2022 - Grades 4th - 12th (Repeat)
Dates: June 5 - August 4
Spring Sports & HBC Patriots App/Website (Repeat)
****Please NOTE there have been a few cancellations due to the weather. Please click on links below for latest information on cancellations.
Spring Sports (Track & Golf) are right around the corner, please make sure to look at the HBC Website or download the HBC App. You can also visit the RedRockConference website for the most accurate information for games/times/locations.
Please make sure to download the HBC Patriots App (details below) to get your student-athletes’ schedules. Thank you for supporting HBC Athletics!
2023-2024 School Year Schedule & Registration (Repeat)
8th - 11th grade students are registered for classes for the 2023 - 2024 School Year. Some important notes for the 23-24 schedule.
Traditional 8 Period Day (46 minute class periods) and 5 minutes passing
Students in 6th/7th/8th Grade will be in a Middle School Model Schedule where all grade levels visit different teachers for the their core classes: Math/Reading/Science/Social Studies
New Class Added - Strength & Speed offered to Sophomore-Seniors (this is taught by Mr. DeBoer)
Students will only be allowed 1 study hall
Students who are taking PSEO classes will also get 1 study hall
Seniors can sign up to be a Peer Tutor (only 1 peer tutor per student)
If you have any questions, please feel free to email or call me at the below email address/phone number.
Please reach out to me if you have any needs. Phone- 507-962-3240 or email a.kellenberger@isd671.net
Mr. Kellenberger