Friday, May 26, 2023
H-BC Elementary Families:
Wow! H-BC Elementary has finalized another school year! Thank you all for sharing your children with us at H-BC Elementary School! It has been truly a great year from my perspective. Many folks make this possible- Teachers, paraprofessionals, bus drivers, nurses, therapists, cooks, custodians, office staff! I am so very proud of how well our students are cared for at school! Looking forward to the 2023-24 school year! This is it for the 22-23 school year!
23-24 SCHOOL CALENDAR: https://5il.co/1rfim
Thank you to all these volunteers for presenting at our End of the Year Seminars. The kids had a wonderful time! Rebecca Spykerboer - Arts and Crafts - Bubble wand making Jessica Boelman - Hair/Nails - Cosmetology Emily Givens- First Aid/CPR/Heimlich - Babysitting Harnack Builders - Building/Construction Erin Metzger - Volleyball Clinic Bob Walraven - Wally’s Nursery Greg Leenderts - White Tail Farms
SUMMER BOOST PROGRAM: Parents of Title One Students, please return your Summer Boost Program Registration for before next Wednesday, May 24.
SUMMER SWIMMING LESSONS: Lessons will be June 19-29 – 8:45-9:25.
The swim bus pick-up schedule is:
Beaver Creek - Rauk’s Local Gas Station - 7:50 am
HIlls - Jr/Sr High School - 8:05 am
Steen - City Park - 8:20 am
FREE MEALS: Our fall registration will have details regarding free meals for all students for the 23-24 school year. The Minnesota House passed a bill guaranteeing free lunch and breakfast to all Minnesota students, regardless of income requirements set by a federal program. If you have a credit in your family lunch account, students may still use it for extra lunch items in the future.
MAY NEWSLETTER: https://5il.co/1tjsl
AFTER SCHOOL CARE: PEAC - Patriot Enrichment After School Care is available for “regulars” and “drop-ins”. Call the office or email Mrs. Voss for more information: t.voss@isd671.net
AM BUS CHANGES: For morning bus changes please call the HBC bus line--make sure to identify your student and the bus number they are riding: 507-962-3240
Please reach out to me if you have any needs. Phone- 507-673-2541 or t.holthaus@isd671.net