Friday, April 28, 2023
H-BC Elementary Families:
Early Dismissal Today - 1:00 for Elementary Students.
This past week Wednesday we celebrated our Administrative Professional Day--H-BC Elementary has one of the best in Mrs. Plimpton! Thank you Mrs. Plimpton for all your hard work and dedication to the staff and students at Hills-Beaver Creek Elementary School!
May 8-12 is Teacher Appreciation Week! H-BC Elementary School has amazing teachers that we truly appreciate! Please join in with me in celebrating our teachers!
MN Raptor Center: This Monday, May 1, H-BC Elementary School will host the MN Raptor Center. They will be sharing a number of different species with our students to assist in gaining a respect for these great birds.
DARE Graduation: On Tuesday, May 2nd our 5th graders will be graduating from the DARE program. Parents are welcome to attend the 9:30 am program. Thank you to Deputy Stratton for teaching our students DARE!
WALKATHON RESULTS: Thank you for supporting our Elementary PTO Walkathon. Over $4,300 was raised! Kindergarten raised the most money and will be having a popsicle party. 3rd Grade will receive a Gatorade for walking the farthest and our top three individuals are: #3 Boyd Leuthold- receives $50, #2 Harper Uittenbogaard receives $75, and #1 Lucy Lynde -$100.
May Dental Clinic: See the Free Dental Clinic Information below.
QUARTER 4 MID-TERM: April 27 was the last day of the midterm. Grades 4 & 5 mid-term reports will be emailed May 5.
SUMMER SWIMMING LESSONS: H-BC is pleased to again partner with Luverne Aquatics & Fitness for summer swimming lessons. This year's lessons will be June 19-29 – 8:45-9:25. Directions for swimming registration and transportation will be sent home on May 1.
Today - Friday, April 28 - 1:00 Early Dismissal- Staff Development
May 8-12 - Teacher Appreciation Week
Wednesday, May 10 - 1:00 pm Early Dismissal- Staff Development
Monday, May 15 - Grades 5-12 Band Concert - Hills
Thursday, May 18 - 5th Grade Entrepreneur Fair
Friday, May 19 - Puppy Relays - Details to come
Monday, May 22 - Little Patriot Academy Graduation - 6:30 pm
Friday, May 26 - Last Student Day - 1:00 Elementary Dismissal
AFTER SCHOOL CARE: PEAC - Patriot Enrichment After School Care is available for “regulars” and “drop-ins”. Call the office or email Mrs. Voss for more information: t.voss@isd671.net
AM BUS CHANGES: For morning bus changes please call the HBC bus line--make sure to identify your student and the bus number they are riding: 507-962-3240
23-24 SCHOOL CALENDAR: Please use this Board approved 3/27/23 Calendar. There was one change to the dates in November for the Elementary P/T Conferences. Longer days and 168 instead of 174 student days. Here is the link to the 23-24 School calendar. https://5il.co/1rfim
Please reach out to me if you have any needs. Phone- 507-673-2541 or t.holthaus@isd671.net