Friday, April 21, 2023
H-BC Elementary Families:
THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS! Volunteer Week was April 16-22. We celebrate and thank the many H-BC Volunteers who so generously give of their time and talent - classroom volunteers, coaches, PTO Members, Board & Committee Members and many, many more.
MCA SCIENCE assessment for grade 5 - Wednesday, April 26
Tuesday, April 26 - MCA Science Testing Grade 5
Thursday, April 27 - MidQuarter
Friday, April 28 - Early Dismissal - Staff Development
Wednesday, May 10 - 1 pm Early Dismissal- Staff Development
Monday, May 15 - Grades 5-12 Band Concert - Hills
Friday, May 19 - Puppy Relays - Details to come
SPELLING BEE TOMORROW: This Saturday, April 22nd is the SW MN Regional Spelling Bee in Luverne. H-BC will be represented by the following students- Makaylie Voss 5th, Trinity Olson 6th, Penni Moore 5th, Kaleb Olson 6th, Malachi Bush 6th and Ryker Gehrke 6th. We wish our spellers well!
THANK YOU to all that voted on Tuesday for the Hills-Beaver Creek School District Bond Referendum. We are moving forward with plans for a new Elementary School to open Fall of 2025!
SUMMER SWIMMING LESSONS: H-BC is pleased to again partner with Luverne Aquatics & Fitness for summer swimming lessons. This year's lessons will be June 19-29 – 8:45-9:25. Directions for swimming registration and transportation will be sent home on May 1.
McTEACHER OF THE MONTH: Congratulations to Mrs. Jil Vaughn, H-BC Speech Language Pathologist, for being selected as the McDonalds McTeacher of the Month! Mrs. Vaughn is very deserving as she serves to meet the needs of her students at Hills Christian School and Hills-Beaver Creek Schools!
SCIENCE MUSEUM OF MINNESOTA: Grades K-2 enjoyed a presentation today from the Science Museum of Minnesota. Mr. Lingen did a fantastic job presenting water in all forms & how it takes shape. It was very fitting with our science standards & even some of our math standards.
VOCAL MUSIC AND ART NIGHT: We are still whistling songs from The Sound of Music! Thank you Mrs. Kolles and Miss Sylvanie and 3rd-5th grade students!
APRIL DISTRICT NEWSLETTER: Read the H-BC April newsletter here
AFTER SCHOOL CARE: PEAC - Patriot Enrichment After School Care is available for “regulars” and “drop-ins”. Call the office or email Mrs. Voss for more information: t.voss@isd671.net
AM BUS CHANGES: For morning bus changes please call the HBC bus line--make sure to identify your student and the bus number they are riding: 507-962-3240
23-24 SCHOOL CALENDAR: Please use this Board approved 3/27/23 Calendar. There was one change to the dates in November for the Elementary P/T Conferences. Longer days and 168 instead of 174 student days. Here is the link to the 23-24 School calendar. https://5il.co/1rfim
Please reach out to me if you have any needs. Phone- 507-673-2541 or t.holthaus@isd671.net