Friday, April 14, 2023
H-BC Elementary Families:
THANK YOU to all that voted on Tuesday for the Hills-Beaver Creek School District Bond Referendum. The unofficial results showed that both questions were approved. The Board will canvass the election at the regular meeting on Monday, April 17, 2023.
EASTER EGG HUNT TOMORROW: HBCS (Helping Build Communities Stronger) is hosting an Easter Egg Hunt tomorrow, Saturday, April 15 at 2:00 p.m. in the Hills Beaver Creek Elementary School gymnasium in Beaver Creek. Ages 0-6 and 6 - on up are welcome to “hunt” for eggs. Please bring your own basket
GRADES 3-5 VOCAL MUSIC CONCERT & K-5 ART SHOW: Come out to support our 3rd through 5th graders at their Vocal Music Concert & Art Show, Monday, April 17 at 7 pm in Beaver Creek.
BLOOD DRIVE: The H-BC Secondary Student Council is hosting a community blood drive on Friday, April 21, in Hills. Last year there were 31 donations, which helped 93 patients. Please call 507-962-3240 to sign up. All donors get a $5 Casey's gift card. *550 units of blood are needed every week to meet the needs of local hospitals.*
Monday, April 17 - Grades 3-6 Vocal Music Concert & Art Show - 7:00 pm
April 18-19 - MCA Math Testing Grades 3-5
Thursday, April 20 - State-Wide Tornado Drill
Tuesday, April - 26 MCA Science Testing Grade 5
Friday, April 28 Early Dismissal- Staff Development
Wednesday, May 10 - Early Dismissal- Staff Development
Monday, May 15 - Grades 5-12 Band Concert - Hills
Friday, May 19 - Puppy Relays - Details to come
MCA MATH assessments for grades 3-5 - Tuesday, April 18 and Wednesday, April 19
MCA SCIENCE assessment for grade 5 - Wednesday, April 26
PTO WALKATHON: The walkathon was today. Thank you for supporting this event and the H-BC Elementary PTO. Walkathon donations may still be turned in Monday. Our PTO is a strong supporter of H-BC Elementary. The donations do make a difference.
ROBOTICS: Fifteen 4th & 5th grade students have completed their second week of Robotics. The after-school program, coordinated through Rock County 4-H, inspires young people to develop an interest in robotics, engineering and technology.
Our thanks to those who helped provide and serve the meals to students testing this week!
APRIL DISTRICT NEWSLETTER: Read the H-BC April newsletter here
ECFE- Children ages 0-5 are welcome to H-BC Elementary School each month from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Mark your calendar for the final date for this school year: April 18. Please contact m.ellingson@isd671.net with any questions.
AFTER SCHOOL CARE: PEAC - Patriot Enrichment After School Care is available for “regulars” and “drop-ins”. Call the office or email Mrs. Voss for more information: t.voss@isd671.net
AM BUS CHANGES: For morning bus changes please call the HBC bus line--make sure to identify your student and the bus number they are riding: 507-962-3240
23-24 SCHOOL CALENDAR: Please use this Board approved 3/27/23 Calendar. There was one change to the dates in November for the Elementary P/T Conferences. Longer days and 168 instead of 174 student days. Here is the link to the 23-24 School calendar. https://5il.co/1rfim
Please reach out to me if you have any needs. Phone- 507-673-2541 or t.holthaus@isd671.net