Friday, February 24, 2023
H-BC Elementary Families:
Thank you all for your flexibility as we navigate all this winter weather! You are greatly appreciated!
FINAL BASKETBALL CAMP DAY: PRE-K-2 makeup day is tomorrow- Saturday, February 25.
EARLY DISMISSAL: Wednesday, March 1st, will be a 1:00 dismissal at H-BC Elementary.
READ ACROSS AMERICA: Thursday, March 2nd, a group of H-BC Seniors will lead an assembly at H-BC Elementary as part of Read Across America Day.
NATIONAL PUBLIC SCHOOLS WEEK: Join us as we celebrate Public Schools Week February 27- March 3. We have much to be thankful for in our corner of southwest Minnesota. Our team of teachers, specialists, parents and school board members make our public school one to be proud of.
2nd-5th GRADE SWIMMING LESSONS: Information and registration forms are being sent home today for 2nd-5th grade students to participate in Swimming Lessons at Luverne Area Aquatics & Fitness. Beginning March 17th, students will be bussed to Luverne. Parental permission forms and the $20 fee must be returned promptly.
BOND REFERENDUM VOTE: Please read this brochure regarding the upcoming Bond Referendum Vote scheduled for Tuesday, April 11, 2023. Bond Referendum Brochure
Informational meetings scheduled for 7 pm on Thursday, March 23, 2023 at the Hills-Beaver Creek Elementary School in Beaver Creek and 7 pm on Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at the Hugo Goehle Gymnasium in Hills. Information can be found on the District's Website www.hbcpatriots.com Please reach out to me with questions. email: t.holthaus@isd671.net or phone 507-962-3240 x1102
GIRLS ON THE RUN: H-BC Elementary is excited to have the GOTR program back again this year for grades 3-5 girls. From the first practice to crossing the finish line, GOTR girls learn that their self-work is paramount to all that they do. The Spring 2023 Season will run March 6-May 17, Mondays and Wednesday 3:30 pm to 4:45 pm. Registration here: www.embe.org/gotr
EARLY OUT CHILD CARE: Our PEAC Program (Patriot Enrichment After school Care) is available on early dismissal days for K-5 students. Call the office or email Mrs. Voss for more information: t.voss@isd671.net
KINDERGARTEN ROUND-UP: Kindergarten Round-Up is scheduled for Friday, March 17th. Students 5 years old on or before August 31, 2023 are eligible. Please see the details here: K Round Up
EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION: Our ECFE Program is a great way for parents to spend quality time with their child. Children ages 0-5 are welcome to H-BC Elementary School each month from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Mark your calendar for these upcoming dates: March 14, April 4 and April 18. Please contact m.ellingson@isd671.net with any questions.
AFTER SCHOOL CARE: PEAC - Patriot Enrichment After School Care is available for “regulars” and “drop-ins”. Call the office or email Mrs. Voss for more information: t.voss@isd671.net
AM BUS CHANGES: For morning bus changes please call the HBC bus line--make sure to identify your student and the bus number they are riding: 507-962-3240
Mark Your Calendar:
Wednesday, March 1 - Early Dismissal -1:00pm
Friday, March 17 - Kindergarten Roundup. Regular K students do not have class.
Thursday, March 23 - Bond Referendum Informational Meeting 7pm - H-BC Elementary
Friday, March 24 - No School - Staff Inservice
Tuesday, March 28 - Bond Referendum Informational Meeting 7pm - Hugo Goehle-Hills
Please reach out to me if you have any needs. Phone- 507-673-2541 or t.holthaus@isd671.net